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Thread: MA's still suck

  1. #1

    Angry MA's still suck

    After our lastest "fix", Ma's still are the worst profession. We are nothing but walking crit. buffs. The minimum damage is still there. Also, Funcom said we would no longer "envy the crit. hits by shotguns".......LOL. I'm level 148 and crit for around 2700 since new patch, not even close to what a shotgun...or any other gun can do. I was mad before, but now i'm pissed. It seems that almost all ma's are quiting now because funcom can't...err won't fix us. Funcom, what are you doing??? You wanna make it fair, give us a 5-7k crit just like everyone else. Then, you wouldn't hear all of the ma's wining and quiting.

    And let's not even start on Ma's in PvP. It's simple, we suck at Pvp. We run up, do minimum damage, then die. WOOHOO!! Sounds like fun ehh?

  2. #2

    Re: MA's still suck

    Originally posted by Richlee
    After our lastest "fix", Ma's still are the worst profession. We are nothing but walking crit. buffs. The minimum damage is still there. Also, Funcom said we would no longer "envy the crit. hits by shotguns".......LOL. I'm level 148 and crit for around 2700 since new patch, not even close to what a shotgun...or any other gun can do. I was mad before, but now i'm pissed. It seems that almost all ma's are quiting now because funcom can't...err won't fix us. Funcom, what are you doing??? You wanna make it fair, give us a 5-7k crit just like everyone else. Then, you wouldn't hear all of the ma's wining and quiting.

    And let's not even start on Ma's in PvP. It's simple, we suck at Pvp. We run up, do minimum damage, then die. WOOHOO!! Sounds like fun ehh?

    Hey Dip

    These are Crit damages BEFORE AC reduction with 800 Attack Rating.

    Vektor Dragon: 3594
    S.A. Tranquil: 3474
    Nova Flow MKI: 2040
    Mova Flow MKIV: 2586
    Sledgehammer of Doom: 3018
    Support Beam: 3114
    Light Beamer Pistol: 1788
    Mausser Chem Streamer: 2250

    These are the most Commonly used weapons in the game. The difference? I would kill for the speed of your Martial Artists fists. Don't come here comlaining about a 2700 crit.

    You're the most selfish person I've ever even heard on this board. 2700 crit is NICE especially with all the other damage you do.

    Go crawl in a hole and die.

  3. #3

    Angry hmm

    Thats still tons more damage then i do, and i do less number of hits since patch now as well.
    Griddaemon - junk finder extrodinaire

  4. #4

    Exclamation what the...

    Ok. Stats.

    QL200 MA Fist 35-230 (300) speed: 1.25/1.25
    QL180 Vektor Dragon 8-386 (812) speed: 2.32/2.5

    Add some Inits to this, making speed almost 1.0/1.0 to both weapons at max agg.
    Explain to me how the fists can compete.

    Or in lay language. I'm lvl 112. My post-patch max MA fist crit is 1112 against an unarmoured opponent. Btw, at what lvl did you equip that shotgun? At lvl 100 perhaps?

    Explain to me again how our fists can compete?

    Don't you even start telling us MA's that we do good damage.
    You don't even have a clue.

    (I'm so pissed at ignorant and stupid people.)


  5. #5


    the 2700 is a brawl crit not a fist crit

    brawl comes every 15 secs and its another skill ontop of ma that we have to raise.

    vector will crit for 3k every other shot with high int every 2 secs it will fire 7 times 2 equals 14 secs

    see the problem

  6. #6

    DMG AND time!

    Any discussion of dmg has to be dmg per second (or min, etc...)
    You can hit for 1 point of dmg, but if you do it 5000 times a second, then your not too bad off. Quit looking at the numbers and look at the ratios.
    A little government and a little luck are necessary in life; but only a fool trusts either of them.
    -- P.J. O'Rourke

  7. #7


    QL200 MA Fist 35-230 (300) speed: 1.25/1.25
    QL180 Vektor Dragon 8-386 (812) speed: 2.32/2.5

    now let's play with math

    WITHOUT inits...say the MA has 1200 atk rating just for sake of arguement (I know that's not actuality but just for arguement's sake)

    So at lvl 200 not including brawl and on a 0 AC mob WITH UVC you're looking at

    14586 for the QL 200 MA (with some minor stat discrepencies) over 30 secs.

    For the Vektor say a 1000 atk rating and UVC on a 0 AC mob -

    24492 over 30 secs.


    11600 over 30 secs.

    Now remember the vektor in these instances is 20 lvls UNDER the MA.

    And this is on a leet....we haven't even discussed min damage...

    If the 200 ma is hitting the mob for min you boys w/ ur shotties kick our ass....ESPECIALLY if ya got an MA on ur team that gives ya a little bit of crit lovin....
    177 MA
    Member of the Mercenaries of Kai (TAG)
    "Everyone has their One Intent in life - their solitary, seemingly-unreachable, ultimate goal. I have mine. I'm trying to live it. What's yours?" - Immoral
    "He might look small but he hits like a truck!" -Zindel

  8. #8

    FOR ****S SAKE

    I have been rooting for the MAs for a long time to get some love, and they finally got some SERIOUS lovin, Ma's are outdamging enforcers and pulling aggros in high level groups now. Funcom finally gives you guys a serious boost and what happens?

    The whiners come out of the wood work. You are so indescribably pathetic (pointing to the ma's whining in this thread) that it makes me sick. The poor MAs who are so joyous over getting their boost I am extremely happy for, and retarded, moronic posts like this make them look bad, when they are really greatful.

    God, I've never seen a more selfish player. Even the doc who asked why docs got no love in this patch, you far surpass him. Ma's got MP-style love from funcom this patch and finally are at their "balanced" state, only 2 classes so far that they've fixed Mp and MA. And you still cry?!

    Please, someone call Whine-one-one.

  9. #9



    Look at the date this thread was started.
    Yup. 13.8 patch day.

    You wont hear many MA's complaining after 13.9.


  10. #10

    I luB some 2700crits

    Muhaha, I would LUV to have a 2700 criT! My 140+ish adv using q196 rider with 1 hand slash maxed and q200 implaints does 1800 crits!!!!!( very very rarely). So yes, soldiers and traders can crit way high but soldiers dont have heals so they should do more damage....From what I see in-game most of my MA friends are happy with 13.9 (13.8 sucked for them).

    Lets get some luv for the lesser used weapons:

    Bow: make most of them chem/poison/rad dmg type and duck defense skill; raise their damage;bump up bow special atk special dmg). And come on, make this a easier skill for adventurers to train (Hunter is their title name for 1 title after all). Bow and rifle is 2 skills where you messed up on adv from beta 4. They use to be easier to train and on release bow went from green to light blue......( which is not a nerf because it was in beta but still a bad idea).

    Grenade: I swear, I have never seen this weapon style used much at all, maybe seen one or 2 ppl using it......I tried it out with my lowbie engineer for fun and it plain out sucks= Either go one way or the other: raise the damage on them or raise the clip size or both, you shoot a grenade once then it taks forever to reload. Im my opinion you should make the damage very a good deal higher with a good min damage and crit to offset the reload slowness.

    Throwing: Well........This one is up to you FC but anything be cool ehehe. Maybe make some throwing knifes for MAs or something because everyone who plays AO seriously uses a wrangler so that if you throw your weapon.....he eheh

    1 hand slash: Need to put in some "viable" one hand slash weapons. The true 1 hand slash weapons r soooooo wickedly underpowered its a trip. I put on q200 merchant execs and did 800 crits! woot.......And in pvp I hit for 20s,30s, and 50s unless I critted and hit for 400! . I switched to rider execs which r decent but its sad that for one weapon style there is only 1 weapon to use..... which has junk for crits

    2hand slash: Put in some other 2hand slashers for ppl that dont have that dragons blade and/or are not enforcers. I know some adv that went 2hand slash and stopped playing that avatar.

    And lets get some general luv for duel weilders as the game doesnt give them much of a bonus (if any) for weilding 2 weapons as they dont atk faster at all and your offhand cant be wrangled so its lower

  11. #11

    Smile 13.9

    My original post was right after the 13.8 patch. This patch did not help us enough. After 13.9, I feel that the MA's are finally fixed. So, all of you who are saying that I was wining.....look at the time i posted. We still sucked after 13.8. Anyone that has a 100+ MA, or who knows what they're talking about, should agree.

    As for the adventurer, I have seen that most adventurers using 1 handed edge don't do tons of damage, but there are also many adventures using a variety of guns doin great damage. I realize that you probably have tons of IP invested in your 1 handed edge, so the thing i would be askin for if I were you is an IP wipe. Either this, or it's time for Funcom to raise 1 handed damage.

    As for the people posting numbers on those guns...
    Those numbers are base damage numbers, but guns (especially shotguns) do much higher damage then their stats say. I have seen an agent my level doing 10k aimed shots, soldiers doing 6k bursts, and lots of traders with shoties blowing apart mobs with ease. So don't sit there and give me a list of numbers, I know what I've seen.

  12. #12
    The reason they do more damage is because there is a damage multiplyer for attack rating that is calculated after the crit damage is added. It doesn't really matter too much since as far as PVP goes your 2700 crit or a 4k crit will hit most players 40% cap. But since MAs are root bait you'll pretty much get spanked in PVP still.

    Hehe I'm still waiting till people in 2ho start rooting MAs and not killing them just to keep them alive to debuff them and buff themselves against the players that are threats =]

    "Oh oh! 180 soldier just zoned in, quick debuff stiffy!"

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