Ok, this kinda sux. First time it just happened, I put it down as a oh well life goes on kinda thing, but now I am a bit irrated. First off it starts with me getting in over my head and trying to zone out. Hmm, 5 min go by and I am staring at a black screen with the words changing zones in the chat. Fine, since I can't get AO to respond to anything, no mouse no nothing, I end task the sob. Log back in, get the msg I have an active char and do I want to log it in, Ok, kewl. Woops, I am still in mission zone and I am gonna die, quick get to the door out, woops nothing, no zone msg, no nothing, like you are hitting the wall, just keep moving to the side. I die, sux2bme. Oh well, fine respawn in Trade, go to the whompa's to get back to Ent. and hmm, been 20 mins. been reading the boards and toggle back from time to time and I still ain't in Ent. Something seems to be broke guys, could be the problem that was happening in Newland earlier? except now it has spread? I don't know but I am going to now go end task AO again and relog and see what is what.