For a long time I have been looking for a site to profile more information on the people in AO. Not just a directory of guilds and roleplayers but a place with interviews, politics, the smaller stories.

A place where people can shine and others come to find out more about the people. At place where people can see whats behind the guild name or what does TBA really stand for.

This morning I started such as site with these aims.

It is very small right now and just shows you an example of what I hope to add in the next few weeks. But in order for it to work, I will need your help in creating your own guilds profiles and you player profiles to.

At present I am working on the main storyline characters by FC but later this week I will start adding player profiles like baxie, gestava Azazzel etc.

I hope to add as many active guilds as possible with updated information.

Also to look at the Political groups, what is TBA, Otsec, and provide contact information so people can find out more.

At the moment I am just looking at the Omni side on RK1. Dont forget this is just one person working on this right now. In the coming months I will be adding a clan site, and neutral site.

Also I am thinking about an RK2 site as well, but to expand this idea to create a total news site just of RK2. As you can image this will be a lot of work and I am hoping to get a number of RK2 people to run the site or at least help out. I am stilling waiting on a Relpy from funcom about an RK2 news site so I will let you know how that goes.

But you can all help by providing information for the site about yourself, your guild or political group. Or maybe just feedback and ideas.

But please this is only a start, and far from perfect
