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Thread: Watch your Yalm closely!

  1. #1

    Unhappy Watch your Yalm closely!

    I lost my Yalm today... a Yalm that I have been using for a couple months now.

    I'm not sure exactly what happened, but while re-arranging my inventory, it disappeared.

    Anyway... so I /petitioned... waited for 45 minutes to talk to a very nice ARK who told me he was going to up it to a GM.

    I waited another 45 minutes or so for a GM to /tell me. When he did, I explained the situation, and he told me "Ok. I just need to go look in the logs. This will take a minute."

    A couple minutes later, he came back and told me "It wasn't in the logs so I can't reemburse you."

    We talked about this for several minutes (yes, I have screenshots), during which time I was told that the logs are very inaccurate (yes, I have him saying that in a screenshot), and that there was nothing he could do.

    I asked him if it gets logged when I save... or when I logout... or when I GOT the plane... I was told that indeed these events are logged. But not in my case.

    Ok. So it's just a plane. Just a plane??? I'm a level 41 enforcer who plays mostly solo. I found this plane in a chest after doing hundreds of repair missions with the hopes of finding one. I finally did, and I was thrilled. Lucky, sure. I won the lottery. But I worked like hell for that chance.

    Now it's gone. I have about 70k credits to my name, and there's no WAY I will make enough money to buy a new one. Missions are tough enough now where I don't want to waste another 3-4 months of my life running repair missions hoping to win the lottery AGAIN.


    I'm trying very hard not to whine... but the truth is... your planes aren't safe. Planes were supposed to be one of the most logged items of the game, and there's no record of the plane I have been using for months...?

    Be careful, folks.

    As for me... I just cancelled my account. I can't stand the fact that in a few seconds, months of work has been erased, and there's nothing they can do about it.

    This game has had so many problems.

    Funcom: fix your logs. And gimme back my plane.


  2. #2
    Sorry to hear about your loss...

    I have several screenshots of my chars in their Yalmahas, both from 1st person view and 3rd person view (with my self targeted and of course in the air) and with the command /played activated.

    This must for sure be counted as evidence that I do own a Yalmaha, if they cannot "see it in the logs" that I have lost my jet...

    Luckily I haven't lost my jet (yet)...
    * July 9, 2001 :: + July 29, 2004

  3. #3
    Originally posted by Angeleye
    I have several screenshots of my chars in their Yalmahas, both from 1st person view and 3rd person view (with my self targeted and of course in the air) and with the command /played activated.

    This must for sure be counted as evidence that I do own a Yalmaha, if they cannot "see it in the logs" that I have lost my jet...
    Don't count on it. If you can't prove that you didn't accidentally delete your Yalm then you are toast.

    On the plus side, there have been numerous reports that Yalms and other vehicles are popping up much more frequently in missions after 13.8.


  4. #4
    Yup found a level 33 Yalm last night in a mission with my enforcer. Only needed 94 skill to fly. Whole new game for my level 32 enforcer. Was in a unlocked box.

  5. #5
    Found a Q55 yalm for my L55 enf in a Lush mission last night, and then found a Q30 yalm with my L25 MA in a mission in Trade about an hour later. They are popping up like bunnies, so do those Q30ish missions and check every chest. Mine were both in locked chests.

  6. #6
    Yep they are for sure popping up more often now, found two Hydro Vehicles (both ql118) in the same mission this evening (read: friday)!!

    Not that they are of any use to me, but always nice to find some special in the chests
    * July 9, 2001 :: + July 29, 2004

  7. #7
    it's NOT JUST a plane.
    Having a plane is very much like having a car in RealLife.
    Travelling to distant places is all of a suddon possible.
    (well, try going deep into clon**** withouot getting aggroed by some deep red mob at lvl30)

    More missions become available to you (since you don't need to sneak around all them red mobs in certain areas)

    One's life soon become dependent on the yalm. I'd say, after my weapon, it's the second most important item I've got!

    So, it's not "just" a plane

    anyway, sad to see it happen. and remember "repair"missions are not the only type of missions they appeared

    btw: found my second hydrovehicle today

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