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Thread: Please make most buffs team only and only let them work as long as you are in team

  1. #1

    Please make most buffs team only and only let them work as long as you are in team

    Right now before anyone PvP they get as many outside buffs as possible(essence, AT, crit buff, doc hp buff, ac, run..)

    This make it very hard to really balance PvP, some profs that are really good with all these buffs aren't good at all without them, so how should PvP be balanced?
    When you are self buffed, when you have random 3 outside buffs or when you have all possible buffs?

    Making all this buffs self only isn't a solution because it will make everyone really weak in PvM.

    The solution I want to see is to make them team only, but they should only work as long as you stay in team, if you leave team all buffs should be terminated.

    This will make team PvP much more interesting and it will also make PvM more interesting when you have to set up a team with many diffrent profs.

    And it will also be the solution on another problem that grow bigger and bigger for many high lvls, buff beggers, no lvl 30 twinks that are going to PvP will bug high lvl MAs for UVC, enforcers for essence etc, they will go to their even lvl MAs/enf and go PvP together with them, or will have to survive on selfbuffs.

    A change so the buffs only work when the buffer are in the same zone would also be needed, so you can't have someone sit in safety in another zone with all buffs running.

    Ofcourse this idea need some changes so it works better, but I think it's a start..
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  2. #2
    It's a start of a great idea, and PvP sould also be based on teams, I dont see why they arent, Outside buffs are definitly getting way out of hand, Lvl 30 running around with uvc like you said, that hardly seems right.

    But like i said its a start of a great idea, god knows in a mission I go dead link more then I care to admit, Everytime you go Dead link, you get knocked off the team, what do you think would happen to the buffs then, Im sure not going to want to sit around and re-buff every other room because of leaving a team, it just seems stupid from that stand point.

    Maybe they can work the buffs by the zone % or something, "most" ppl fight in 75% zones, missions for examble, since that wouldnt be a pvp area, even if you leave the team the buffs would stay. But if it were a 25% or 0% zone and you leave the team, the buffs also leave you.

    And self buffs are definitly not the way, We need thouse buffs, and I'm sure they were made like that for a reason in the start... Then again who knows nothing seems to end up having a reason in this game.

    Well I would like to see some ideas on this myself, seems like a intresting idea.

  3. #3

    Don't do it...

    It sure does unbalance 1-vs-1 PvP, but in the grander scheme of things I think it's only a good thing. In mass battles everyone should try to get all the buffs they can. It's what makes it fun. The side which actually has people who are willing to buff anyone asking will be the winner. It's called cooperation.

    Change the Arenas to prevent outside buffing and ganking. Make Arenas pure 1-vs-1 self buff only.
    Atrocious - taking ugly to the next level.

    Atrocious - Atrox Enforcer - Member of Ancarim Iron Legion
    Aniana - Solitus Engineer(Uber gimp) - Applicant of Ancarim Iron Legion
    Plasmatiq - Solitus Soldier

    Plus countless other alts I play with once in a while.

  4. #4

    Thumbs down

    Well that certainly isn't solo friendly!

    Bad idea! Grouping is an exploit!
    "Life is too short to drink bad ale."

  5. #5
    As someone who solos 95% of the time, I definately don't like this idea. And I don't pvp (yet ) so I REALLY don't like this idea.

    This would be just another case of non-pvping players getting the knife stuck in them just to please the pvp players.
    Anastasia "Aniee" Cervenak
    Martial Artist

    Man is the only animal that blushes, or needs to. -------Mark Twain

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Great idea really..
    Make all external buffs useless in 0% / 25% zones =)


  8. #8
    Originally posted by euphorie
    Great idea really..
    Make all external buffs useless in 0% / 25% zones =)

    That nerfs Aces / Borgs in EFP / Mort completely useless.

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Megabio

    That nerfs Aces / Borgs in EFP / Mort completely useless.
    Make all buffs team only in 25%/0% zones...

    Keep everything like in my first post, but make it so it only make a diffrent in 25%/0% zones, 75% zones keep the same rules as now
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Azzazzimon

    Make all buffs team only in 25%/0% zones...

    Keep everything like in my first post, but make it so it only make a diffrent in 25%/0% zones, 75% zones keep the same rules as now
    If you are trying to avoid the massive buffing going on at the arena, your change won't work. Since the arena is 0%.

    So if you want this change to make the arena work better, then I suggest:

    Change the arena so only two people can attack each other, make a terminal where people "agree to fight". At this terminal they can decide if they want to allow outside buffs or not. Once they agree teleport them into arena, all buffs removed(if they chose the option to not allow outside buffs). This is a better solution than to remove all buffing. I posted a longer post on this some other place, so I won't make this a repost.
    Atrocious - taking ugly to the next level.

    Atrocious - Atrox Enforcer - Member of Ancarim Iron Legion
    Aniana - Solitus Engineer(Uber gimp) - Applicant of Ancarim Iron Legion
    Plasmatiq - Solitus Soldier

    Plus countless other alts I play with once in a while.

  11. #11
    Originally posted by Plasmatiq

    If you are trying to avoid the massive buffing going on at the arena, your change won't work. Since the arena is 0%.

    So if you want this change to make the arena work better, then I suggest:

    Change the arena so only two people can attack each other, make a terminal where people "agree to fight". At this terminal they can decide if they want to allow outside buffs or not. Once they agree teleport them into arena, all buffs removed(if they chose the option to not allow outside buffs). This is a better solution than to remove all buffing. I posted a longer post on this some other place, so I won't make this a repost.
    I never fight in the arena, so doesn't matter for me personally, but why wouldn't it work in the arena?
    As soon as you enter 0% zone all buffs that someone your not teamed with get removed...

    About arena fights I think they should do some kind of duelling system.

    I want the change in "warzones" like 2ho or other zones where it's alot about who get most outside buffs that win.

    Arena is more for duelling 1v1 or something both have agree on.
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  12. #12
    Originally posted by Azzazzimon

    I never fight in the arena, so doesn't matter for me personally, but why wouldn't it work in the arena?
    As soon as you enter 0% zone all buffs that someone your not teamed with get removed...

    About arena fights I think they should do some kind of duelling system.

    I want the change in "warzones" like 2ho or other zones where it's alot about who get most outside buffs that win.

    Arena is more for duelling 1v1 or something both have agree on.


    1. This would change the way most buffs work and means a major overhaul of the whole system. Or they would have to make two versions of all nanos, one for PvP and one for PvM. Neither is feasible.

    2. Why bother? If you're not in this for 1-vs-1, they why are you so worried about outside buffs? Since you want many on many why don't you go out and get all the buffs you want yourself? It won't matter if a lvl 120 was buffed from here to hell if he was being attacked by 10 lvl 100s. So in many on many battles buffs will give a slight edge, but not more than numbers and lvls.

    I say leave the buffs alone and rather fix the inherit problems in PvP.
    Atrocious - taking ugly to the next level.

    Atrocious - Atrox Enforcer - Member of Ancarim Iron Legion
    Aniana - Solitus Engineer(Uber gimp) - Applicant of Ancarim Iron Legion
    Plasmatiq - Solitus Soldier

    Plus countless other alts I play with once in a while.

  13. #13
    The buffs *are* the inherent problems with pvp balance.

    Imho, put a /duel command. If you target, select /duel, all non self buffs drop off, and you have a 30 sec timer and then you can fight. (find some way to avoid being buffed IN fight, or something, Maybe "cannot cast nanoprogram on target - is in duel mode")

    Then you can have fair fights when you want to.
    Don't be lonely anymore.

    Look at your post, now back at mine. Now back to your post, now back at mine. Sadly, yours isn't mine, but if you stopped trolling and started posting legitimate comments it could look like mine. Look down, back up, where are you? You're scrolling through posts, reading the posts your posts could look like. Back at mine, it's a reply saying something you want to hear. Look again, my reply is now diamonds. Anything is possible when you think before you post.

  14. #14
    I have another idea. Remove all weapons. Remove all nanos. Remove all specials. Give all players same amount of hp, same skillcaps. Lets all be equal! What a great game this would be.

  15. #15


    I like it!
    If you oppose this change you are obviously a "Buff beggar".

  16. #16
    No I am an agent who use 2 different FPs to have buffs from 3 professions at the same time. If I sacrifice buffs from either FP I cant do ****.

    So your change either cancel my FP buffs in which case my agent get nerfed to worthlessness.

    Or you give agents a big advantage, they can provide their own crit buffs etc.

    Whats the purpose of this? What would it achieve? Force ppl to team up in 25% zones? Make buffs worthless for the solo player? Gonna be popular when you need to have that doc babysit you while you put in your implants, but then again, that would actually make it more realistic. I dont know how the fact that the enforcer+doc+agent has to sit in grouped with you while you put on that str/agi armor makes it more realistic tho.
    Last edited by Myga; Feb 27th, 2002 at 11:54:14.

  17. #17
    Originally posted by MiKEBoND
    The buffs *are* the inherent problems with pvp balance.

    Imho, put a /duel command. If you target, select /duel, all non self buffs drop off, and you have a 30 sec timer and then you can fight. (find some way to avoid being buffed IN fight, or something, Maybe "cannot cast nanoprogram on target - is in duel mode")

    Then you can have fair fights when you want to.
    I can agree that outside buffs are the problem in PvP balance when it come to one-vs-one, but it's only one of many.

    Take roots... Now that only one class has nanos to break root. It will make life a lot harder for other classes. I know that my engy would be completly worthless in a fight against a rooting class since my bot doesn't seem to resist jack.

    Cz made a comment in the 13.8 patch forum that nano resist was working as intended. It's supposed to be an either or. I should not reduce damage or reduce duration. Which I feel make it more or less useless.

    Of course I never do 1-vs-1 fights with my engy.

    In a mass battle numbers and lvls should be what matters. Not buffs. The more people the more damage.
    Atrocious - taking ugly to the next level.

    Atrocious - Atrox Enforcer - Member of Ancarim Iron Legion
    Aniana - Solitus Engineer(Uber gimp) - Applicant of Ancarim Iron Legion
    Plasmatiq - Solitus Soldier

    Plus countless other alts I play with once in a while.

  18. #18


    Damn, buff selling and trading is about the only commodity that is sellable!

    I sure wish I had a buff that I could sell other then RC(can t cast that either)

    I actually think players should be able to setup shop and offer buff services that can be advertised somewhere. Make working buffers easier to find so the non working one would be left alone.

    Having also a trader, I understand how tiresome tells can get, but I beleive its up TO FC to come up with new ways to do that. For example they could setup a market place with commodities that those buffers wants, and those people could flag themsleves as avail for work. Heck you could have a command that list that persons servivices and prices.

    As far as PvP, when I go i nthe arena, we usually agree on self buffs, the only time it is a problem is in PvP zones, but then again, I dont solo in PvP zones.


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