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Thread: IR 3rd anniversary beach party

  1. #1

    IR 3rd anniversary beach party

    Activity: Beach party
    Location: Newland lake
    Date: Saturday 11th Dec
    Time: 22.00 GMT

    The Independent Rubikans cordially invites all it’s friends, be they neutral omni or clan, to their 3rd year anniversary. A beach party by newland lake to celebrate the oldest active neutral guild on atlantean.

    Take time away from your battles to relax, eat bronto burgers, sunbathe and generally lounge about. Most of the members of the Independent Rubikans should be proficient in all of these activities as we have had over 3 years to perfect them.

    A leet fighting tournament will take place for those with enough energy to provoke the local varmint into hitting each other. Newland lake is famed for being the birthplace for these fights and those of you who have not been training their leets will be able purchase one from the local leets r us.

    I look forward to seeing you there.

    Love and peace.

  2. #2
    I'll be there, maybe a little bit late, but I'll be there. RUR still has a *cough* device *cough* to install at IR's town.

    Congratulations IR!

    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  3. #3
    I'm sorry I'm going to miss that, it sounds great! Happy partying, anyway!
    Zen koan of the day:
    What is the sound of one buttock farting?

  4. #4
    Thank you all who came.

    It was great to see some ghosts of IR past there, and to see some new faces.

    The leet fights got a bit messed up when one of the newland guards took offence to the fight and tried to take down the leets trainer. Several omni forces then piled in taking down several other trainers.

    Next leet fights will be kept strictly underground as the Newland council has ruled against them.

    Well to finish on a plus point we all got a bit of a surprise when the first leet of Christmas came out of hibernation to join us. We hope to see more of these chubby leets when they smell the mince pies in a couple of weeks.

  5. #5
    My best wishes to The Independant Rubikans.

    May they rule Borealis for many years to come !!!!
    Entertainer and Rubi-Ka Trotter

    Feel free to visit:
    Olie's Arul Saba Store - Gems and Bracer
    Free Champagne and refreshements

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