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Thread: I need a guild !

  1. #1

    I need a guild !

    If any guild out there would like to recruit me:

    Im Omni, lvl 52 NT.
    I can travel to most omni areas in grid.
    I like hunting, but want to do some team missions too.
    I play european Timezone (cEST +1). Usually after 20.00 ->

    I prefer a guild with >20 players that prefer PvM more than PvP.
    I also hope most of you are europeans so we play in same timezone.

    I need a guild primarly so i can join groups and hunt monsters/team missions.

  2. #2

    Contact me

    To contact me, send a mail to :


  3. #3
    Perhaps you should consider Blade Corp, the leading mercenary guild in the galaxy. We are a close knit group that profits through a variety of services that we provide. Check out our website or send me a tell in game for more information.
    Tomas "Gazneth" Dalaet
    Blade Corp.
    "Leading mercenary corporation in the Galaxy"
    Position - CFO

  4. #4
    Aye, BC is very good and you should seriusly consider joining them(if you havent already)

    Who I am?

    Read my posts

    O´shovah Gilgamesh the everflame
    commander of the burning zeal

  5. #5


    consider obsidian underground first....we are a brand spanking new guild looking for for exped players give me a holler at before making any decisions.
    Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun. - Ash (Evil Dead)

  6. #6

    NICE quote...

    She biatch must die...

    Hail to the king... Baby!

    /ooc off

  7. #7
    Division 3: Omni Reclamation is a new guild forming on RK2. Mostly lower levels but will consider a higher level.

    Read here if you want further details. It is an idea we are starting and we need both clan and Omni players.
    Chang "Nortsrum" Brockmeyer,
    Division 3 [Omni Reclamation] -- RK2

  8. #8

    Consider the Knights of Rubi-Ka [EG]

    Have you have been looking for the right - Clan - Guild to join, yet haven't found the right fit? Perhaps you have been a member of a guild before and yet quit for the frustrating, bored or detached atmosphere?

    Well my friend, the Knights Of Rubi-Ka[EG] have voted to expand beyond our already substantial quantity of Members. This doesn't happen often, because we accept ONLY the best! If you are looking for a place to mooch Money, Armor & Weapons or if you lack the dedication and work that is involved in becoming the best that you can be...Look Elsewhere.

    IF you seek to team up with a diverse group of people, with the ability to move up in rank based on your skills & contributions and with all the benefits and perks of membership..Consider The Knights!

    Learn more about our organization AND this exciting opportunity at

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