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Thread: Session for the rebuilding of Old Athen (23/2 - 2000 GMT)

  1. #1

    Session for the rebuilding of Old Athen (23/2 - 2000 GMT)

    Okay, I finally put down a date:

    23rd of February, which is a Saturday
    Starting at 2000 GMT
    At the moment, only on RK1
    Starts at the west gates of Old Athen

    If anyone need any directions, please send a /tell to Mirahna, preferably a bit in advance. If you need the time calculated into something else, post here.

    If anyone can co-run this on RK2 with me, just mail me at

    Things that will be happening:

    - We'll be checking out how serious the damage of the city really is, and how much effort it takes to rebuild it. This should not take long, but it's good to know what can be repaired, and what has to be redone from the ground up.

    General discussions:
    - What can the empty buildings be used for. A seemingly popular thing would be a club, since Old Athen doesn't have one at present. I might hand out some cash to those with good ideas, if I have some to spare.

    - Any spaces other than building that would be nice? Parks? Maybe a fountain?

    - Which building style would fit? Should we 'divide' the city into 'Old' Old Athen and 'New' Old Athen, or should we stick with the same architecture as previously? I personally would prefer a hybrid between Omni-X and West Athen.

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  2. #2

    Cool I would say..

    I would say rebuild the beauty of the old city.. in the old ways..
    I do not know if I will be able to make it.. many jobs to do.. I will help as i can.. we all will.
    Always trust your friends.
    I'm your friend.
    Loan me money.
    Trust me.

  3. #3
    yes yes yes...does this really mean a club in athens? meow...? Is there anything I can do at all to help? Do you need me? Ill do anything...meow

  4. #4
    Please come up with some nice ideas, and attend to the meeting.

    Silke, maybe you can come up with a name and a theme of that club?

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  5. #5

  6. #6
    will we...or you...have the ability to build completely new buidlings? meow...

  7. #7
    They cleaned up the river in Tir, and they have built new wompas, and new clubs and whatnot all over, so I hope it's will be possible to build new ones.

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  8. #8
    Ok I think I Know how I want the club to be, I had a few ideas but this one was the best I think...

    And first of all yes I know the city Athen is named after that well known guy on Rubika or something hehe...but also new athen has the old architecture Like they had in Athens on is what I have come up with

    First I think there should be at least two storyes

    The first one, the entrance should have a big fountain in the middle ressembling the god Dionysus( you know the little bastard with horns in his forehead), holding a ..what do you call it...well like the things statues know that they had wine in..well thats where the water should come from in the fountain..

    And then there should be these big white columns in all the corners of the main room with archs not sure which style they should be though, Dorian,Korinthian or Jonian, but I think the Korinthian style is to flashy and to much details...I would say Dorian is the cleanest and easiest with least I would use that one...

    And then also there should be plants and stuff in the entrance/main room....and maybe a few reets or butterflies would be better hehe flying around to give some color to it hehe.

    And then also on leading from the main room, there should be lots of small conversation rooms...almost like the rooms in the Happy rebell inn although not as ****ty looking...

    There should also two bars at two sides of the main room facing each other.

    Then up to the second floor well this should be the dance floor, im not sure about the colors here yet but maybe some blue style on the floor....and yeah also these balconys with a view over the main room bellow...ill think of this floor some more..meow..

    And well the name should have something to do with least thats what I think....... A sign with Dionysus him self with horns in his forehead...would look awesome...wouldnt it? Or anyone know some old names on some clubs they had in Athens hehe?
    Doesnt that sound good? In athen a club with the theme Dionysus the god of the whine meow...or?

    Meow what do you think? Sounds good? Or its the worst **** you have ever heard? To much to accomplish? Meow?
    Would this be possible?

    And Yeah im not sure about the exterior of the building...but if the inside could look like that I wouldnt care about the outside
    Last edited by Blade / Silke X; Feb 9th, 2002 at 13:55:33.

  9. #9
    Noones interessted in rebuilding old athens?

  10. #10

    Thumbs up

    Well, I am not an interior decorator but I like your ideas Silke.

    So in response.....

    B U M P ! ! ! !

    I would love to see Old Athens rebuilt, I may spend more time there if it were.

  11. #11

    Old Athens

    Yes it needs to be cleaned up! Your ideas are great for the entrance (columns, plants, butterflies), but I would rather see something more modern on the inside, along the lines of Neuters 'R Us. Individual rooms that are nice and not dingy like in the Happy Rebel would be greatly appreciated. Keys for those individual rooms should be sold by the Bartender. There should certainly be a DJ area similar to Babboons above/next to the dance floor.

    And for once, give us a bathroom that does not look like the basement of 'Fight Club', perhaps with an attendant, and a sitting area (mirrors that work for more than just solitus, couches) for the females. Please make 3 restrooms, Male, Female, Uni and only allow those genders in each.

  12. #12
    hmm maybe your right...maybe we need something more futuristic.....neon ****...and stuff

  13. #13
    dunno how, but i will here to help ya ya all see ya saturday !!

    ((RahZelK the NanoTech))

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    =====18:00 to 23:00 GMT+1=====

    -=[Fellowship of the Lost Souls]=-

  14. #14
    Bump to this, athens is a beautiful city in the areas that arent battle scarred, it should be rebuilt to its former glory with *at least* 1 nice club

  15. #15


    maybe by adding actual dimension to everything. maybe having another layer of stores ontop. So there will actuall be something to walk up to. Currently it's all flat.

    and plz make it look futuristic.. this is the future.. things can float in the air (other than mp meatballs).

  16. #16

    Real World Application

    This is a great idea,

    I don't know if we can get funcom to go along, but I envision the transformation taking place over a number of patches. Each patch would bring things a little closer, (I.E. the first patch might include numerous vacant lots were rubble has been cleared, the second a few more lots, and the frame for some of the buildings, etc.)

    I also like the athens look that was discussed earlier (I believe it was Silkes idea), but I think that it needs to be strongly blended with the existing look of athens.

    Not sure if I will be able to attend, but I will be glad to help in any way I can.

  17. #17
    hmmm I want some mix between like future and ancient.....thats so meeeow

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