Hello all! Check out our org if you are interested in a simple group of folks that simply try to help each other out and be cool. We are around 45 members strong right now, with very little turnover in our ranks. We are not twinks, jerks, power freaks, or people who think Rubi-Ka is a place for childish name-throwing or bickering. We are mellow. We find life is better when we help each other. Presently we don't have organized guild meetings. We hand items and money as needed to lower levels players. We do have an Armour Rep that keeps a large amount of armour for trade in. I will be managing a bank that folks can borrow from soon. If you are a mellow, somewhat casual player that just wants some good clean gaming with some friends to help on the way, give Zenister(me), Onox(advisor), or Onery(advisor) a tell. We will do our best to accommodate you and make your experience a richer one.

Random Justice League