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Thread: Boring Loot on Mobs...bump if you agree

  1. #1

    Boring Loot on Mobs...bump if you agree

    Ok, after reading through all the boards, this looked like the best place to post this idea...if there's a better place, lemme know or just move the post.

    Basically as it stands now, the random loot generators on mobs don't include anything that (I would say) a majority of players want/need.

    It seems to me, and others that I've talked to, that the only way to get good items (no matter the quality level) is to get it as a mission reward or chest loot in missions. The loot that mobs actually drop are for the most part useless...

    Why is it not reasonable to think that when fighting a level 200 enforcer he might drop something other than a bloodworm carapace, a lead pipe, an energy shield or an implant with a cluster combination that only a mechanical engineer who specialized in swimming and bow special attack could use? where is the enforcers armor? where are his 2 handed weapons?

    Why can we not kill NTs and get nano crystals? Why not kill engineers and get engineering tools, component belts or NCU? Why should we find it ridiculous to kill an agent to find cloaking devices?

    I realize that finding too many of these items as mob loot could unbalance the already unbalanced economy, but why is there ZERO chance to find these items as mob loot?

    To me it would make perfect sense that NPCs would have access to the same equipment as players do on occasion, so why wouldn't they drop it? It also makes sense that monsters may have (on ocassion) eaten a traveller carrying these items.

    I would like to petition FunCom to rethink their loot generation policies to at least allow the potential for finding decent items on the corpses of the deceased....bump if you agree.
    +Tekniker 142 Engineer
    +Xiaopingxu 121 Fixer
    +Stongrel 135 MA
    +Ukkonen 100 Agent
    +Pixelation 79 NT
    The Flying Frog Brigade

  2. #2
    I agree. Loot HAS improved, I'll give them that.

    But it has improved more to the tone of "more garbage".

    I looted a 170ish Vektor DRAGON >ONCE< and I almost fainted.

    Almost everything else has been useless, except MAYBE the Q200 supressor I have. And I've looted lots of mobs

    Having loot that matches the mob just makes sense.
    Katelin Arinia Rhees
    Level 220 Enforcer
    Former Enforcer Professional
    Former President of the late Midnight Reveries
    Account Created: 2001-10-08; Account Expired: 2005-02-19

  3. #3
    el bumperino
    +Tekniker 142 Engineer
    +Xiaopingxu 121 Fixer
    +Stongrel 135 MA
    +Ukkonen 100 Agent
    +Pixelation 79 NT
    The Flying Frog Brigade

  4. #4
    I just came back after being away for four months... And I must say, I was very, very surprised to loot Rhinos and find that they dropped guns of roughly the same QL as my level... I must say that I don't agree with the first statement though: You shouldn't be able to find all of a NPC's loot. I mean, you shouldn't get armor, weapons, stim packs, health kits, a few odd nano progs, a cool piece of clothing, etc., all from one mob. That would make you too uber super fast!! But, perhaps finding one thing would be okay... But, how to do this? Why would a rhino for RP reasons have a gun? They should only have meat or ivory. Yet, I like it the way it is -- don't change it!! Why? Because why would anyone hunt rhinos when they could hunt NPC's and get good loot?

    Therefore, loot should be based on mob level, and not on mob type. I mean, after all, if a rhino ate an Enf, perhaps there's a beam stuck in its craw...


  5. #5
    I didn't mean that if you killed say a Skilled Clan Engineer, you'd get 3-4 cool items from him...

    most NPCs or mobs that you kill you might get 1-2 items from them...that's's just that in those 1-2 is not possible to get anything other than a couple items...

    The example I gave of killing a Veteran Enforcer and getting either a bloodworm carapace, a lead pipe, an energy shield or an implant wasn't meant entirely as a joke...that's really the 4 things you can expect to pull off of them over the course of a night...

    there's no real variety to the mob loot...and yes you're right...the item should equate to the level of the mob...FC does that already and I have no qualm with that it makes sense...

    what I was referring to is the fact that you won't get ANY armor, tools, belts, upgrades...each mob has a certain list of things in its generator to potentially spawn, and it appears that that list is very restricted...

    if you kill a level 10 NT, there's no reason why you couldn't expect the item to be something you would see a level 10 player walking around with...maybe a ql 10 NCU chip or a ql 10 nano...if you kill a level 20 enforcer, why does it have to be one of 3 ql 20 weapons? enforcers use a wide variety of weapons...and I also was trying to see why we couldn't see a chance at a piece of ql 20 str/stam or str/agil armor off that enforcer, or int/psy armor off an NT....something to make it less boring...

    Alot of people I know when grouping will only actually loot certain mobs...mostly MAs and soldiers, because they happen to pay the most in the credits about a surprise every once in a while to liven things up?
    +Tekniker 142 Engineer
    +Xiaopingxu 121 Fixer
    +Stongrel 135 MA
    +Ukkonen 100 Agent
    +Pixelation 79 NT
    The Flying Frog Brigade

  6. #6
    I looted a few Cyborg Brigadier Generals only to find



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