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Thread: Giant Atrox in the Grid???...

  1. #1

    Giant Atrox in the Grid???...

    I saw a giant atrox while I was in the grid last night. I was wondering if anyone else saw this also. When I mentioned it in vicinity chat, the thing ran and left the grid via Rome.

    Is this a bug in the game or is this a real giant? I couldn't catch a name on the giant as I was kinda in shock at the size of this compared to our very small triangular shapes.

    Any ideas???


  2. #2


    I saw him about a week ago...really strange site in the grid.

  3. #3
    Its a bug, I seen a slayerdroid and a morphed adv in the grid a few weeks ago, I dont know how the bug works tho.

    I have a screenshot of the slayerdroid
    Last edited by Pacifica; Feb 15th, 2002 at 04:21:43.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Pacifica
    Its a bug, I seen a slayerdroid and a morphed adv in the grid a few weeks ago, I dont know how the bug works tho.

    I have a screenshot of the slayerdroid

    Any chance you can post the screenshot? I would love to see it.

    Thank you ahead of time if you are able to.


  5. #5


    Hope it wasn't me...that would be embarassing

    (this atrox has only just starting using the grid)

  6. #6

    Arrow Hmm

    I've also seen non-triangles in the grid, but I'm guessing that if you cast a morph it may reset your look? Worth an experiment.

  7. #7
    I'd love to see the screenshot.

  8. #8
    I have the screenshot hmmm no web space to upload it..but i can email it to anyone who wants it, email me at

  9. #9

    Re: Hmm

    Originally posted by Darkbane
    I've also seen non-triangles in the grid, but I'm guessing that if you cast a morph it may reset your look? Worth an experiment.
    I'm hoping someone can try this^^.

    I also wonder if any "non-triangles" seen in the grid looked absolutely huge to others. I didn't realize how small we become as we grid.

    Thanks for the slayerdroid SS if you had time to send it, Pacifica!

    *I always wondered why the gap height in the 3 levels of the grid were so high *

  10. #10
    Although I haven't tried recently, but before, if you entered the grid in a vehicle, and then de-equipped the vehicle, you would show up as your normal toon, not the triangle.

    Haven't tried it recently to see if that was fixed (or whether you can still de-car in the grid).
    Doctor Valen, Omni Medic
    Keeper Mezathras

  11. #11

    Thumbs up Ahh...

    Well, that seems more likely than some 'manage to cast nano in grid' exploit. Must try it then...

  12. #12
    Sounds like someone hacked the grid. Seriously though, I haven't seen this myself, but if I saw it I'm sure i'd say to myself "wtf" and go on with what I was doing. I hope the way to do this is just a visual bug and nothing that can reproduced.

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