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Thread: 0209 During the end of the CCL meeting, the Masked Commandos

  1. #1

    0209 During the end of the CCL meeting, the Masked Commandos

    0209 During the end of the CCL meeting, the Masked Commandos
    appeared and killed the Leaders that were present.

    The log of attack is posted below after the photos

    Photos can be seen @

    17:41: Patk9: Masked commando's outside of reet?<br>
    17:41: Patk9: I am unarmed until I find a surgery clinic<br>
    17:41: Joshlvy: yes<br>
    17:41: Wistler shouts: COMMANDOS here!<br>
    17:41: Patk9: Hopefully i have lesser<br>
    17:41: Abrii says Tir accord states, if you are not inder CoT you are under Omni
    riule, thus Neutral people and territory are governed by OT<br>
    17:41: Patk9: Suite up!<br>
    17:41: Viveka: freedom is our common goal...let those who want to take the fight
    to omni do so<br>
    17:41: Elrand shouts: wo needs wrangler<br>
    17:41: Wistler shouts: anyone got fling expertise?<br>
    17:41: Danzak shouts: HP buff plz<br>
    17:41: Viveka: while others defend<br>
    17:42: Voislav: i need a non gen str boost please<br>
    17:42: Viveka: what is going on<br>
    17:42: Danzak shouts: I need AC/critt and hp buff<br>
    17:42: Wistler shouts: I need fling expertise NOW!<br>
    17:42: Windguard shouts: WHAT!<br>
    17:42: Wistler shouts: and masteries if someone got them<br>
    17:42: Viveka: should i continue speaking<br>
    17:42: Mamasboy2: Intruders, Viveka<br>
    17:42: Rage Materialization: My powers are at your disposal, master!<br>
    17:42: Daigalean: stay calm eveyone<br>
    17:42: Mamasboy2: It seems the DB are here<br>
    17:42: Windguard: Call for reinforcements!<br>
    17:42: Wistler: Viv, DB is HERE for US!<br>
    17:43: Danzak shouts: thanx for ac<br>
    17:43: Patk9 shouts: For freedom!<br>
    17:43: Unitsi: So I take the meeting is over with for tonight<br>
    17:43: Mamasboy2 shouts: Everyone, calm and tactics<br>
    17:43: Voislav: any enforcers have a HP buff?<br>
    17:43: Bureaucrat Helper: Hello master. I'm ready to obey your commands...<br>
    17:43: Salvinous: I'm ready to serve you...<br>
    17:43: Little Helper: I will protect you to the best of my ability.<br>
    17:44: Unitsi shouts: wrangler anyone?<br>
    17:44: Engineer Android II: I'm ready to serve you...<br>
    17:44: Monsta Stompa: Guard command received.<br>
    17:44: Windguard shouts: Yes<br>
    17:44: Monsta Stompa: Guarding.<br>
    17:44: Voislav shouts: any enforcers got a muscle stim?<br>
    17:44: Wistler shouts: wrangle or masteries plz<br>
    17:45: Daigalean: they are killing eveyone<br>
    17:45: Wistler: Windbane is on the way<br>
    17:46: Wistler: No metas? dammit i could cast gladbot<br>
    17:46: Zorkam: Difficult folk<br>
    17:46: Zorkam shouts: Run<br>
    17:46: Zorkam shouts: Find safety<br>
    17:47: Zorkam shouts: Fall back<br>
    17:47: Windguard shouts: Down with Dust Brigade!<br>
    17:47: Viveka: THE VOTC HAS NO WAR WITH THE DB<br>
    17:47: Masked Commando: Zorkam Back off, or we will open fire!<br>
    17:47: Zorkam: You back off<br>
    17:48: Masked Commando: Dust to Dust<br>
    17:48: Masked Commando: That was a warning shot Windguard Back off now or perish<br>
    17:48: Masked Commando: Viveka You will die for that act<br>
    17:48: Masked Commando: Radiman must be a fool to hire such specimens as you<br>
    17:48: Masked Commando: You call yourself clans? a better joke for
    me? You are all supporting the wrong caus<br>
    17:48: Masked Commando: He is only selling us all out anyway<br>
    17:48: Masked Commando: Chose a target and fire at will. Let no one escape.<br>
    17:48: Masked Commando: Back off now or DIE!<br>
    17:48: Masked Commando: Your actions disgust me Clan member, you still support
    the wrong cause! Prepare to die for that cause<br>
    17:48: Unitsi: I am sitting<br>
    17:49: Unitsi: and you you attack unarmed<br>
    17:49: Masked Commando: the final stand of the hopeless<br>
    17:49: Masked Commando: You are not much unarmed<br>
    17:49: Unitsi shouts: thank you for interupting our meeting<br>
    17:49: Masked Commando: Lady, move away<br>
    17:49: Cohh: Hellow<br>
    17:51: Zorkam: Time to do, commando<br>
    17:51: Argamemmnon shouts: hiya uni<br>
    17:51: Masked Commando: You will pay for that you fool<br>
    17:51: Argamemmnon shouts: wth?<br>
    17:51: Masked Commando: A robot?<br>
    17:51: Zorkam shouts: Try me, fools<br>
    17:51: Masked Commando: You too will perish<br>
    17:51: Masked Commando: Recharge shield<br>
    17:52: Boxxoroxx shouts: join up<br>
    17:53: Anoyance shouts: story needs work i just lost 700k xp in a 100%<br>
    17:54: Colere: Blood!<br>
    17:54: Folle: I'll do my best to kill it!<br>
    17:54: Gabro shouts: You scum, you will see who has the last laugh, stop this
    17:54: Gabro shouts: there outside<br>
    17:54: Elrand shouts: they went outside<br>
    17:55: Baxie: Hey Twink<br>
    17:55: Masked Commando: Requesting dropship now!<br>
    17:55: Joie: I'm ready to serve you...<br>
    17:55: Twink: what do you say ? gank a few dusters ? or let them have it at the
    clanners ?<br>
    17:55: Baxie: I see the CoT have dispatched Dusters out to kill a few clanners
    for show?<br>
    17:55: Wrath Incarnation: My powers are at your disposal, master!<br>
    17:55: Twink: hey, dustbusters, wazzap ?<br>
    17:55: Unitsi shouts: assit off whom?<br>
    17:55: Valentyia: I will try to kill it, master!<br>
    17:55: Rage Materialization: Yes! Let me kill it, master!<br>
    17:55: Colere: I will kill it for you, master!<br>
    17:55: Baxie: Nah let them kill all the clanners they want we're not buying into
    their porpaganda<br>
    17:55: Deranged Mindreaver: I'm ready for action!<br>
    17:56: Baxie: Hey Meister<br>
    17:56: Meister: Masked Commando<br>
    17:56: Gabro shouts: You scum, you will see who has the last laugh, stop this
    insanity! You are not Clan Dust Brigade!<br>
    17:56: Meister: Capture him<br>
    17:56: Gabro shouts: and never will!<br>
    17:56: Meister: We need him to question him<br>
    17:56: Folle: I'll do my best to kill it!<br>
    17:56: Twink: hi miister, I got a 10'er on the dusters<br>
    17:56: Colere: Blood!<br>
    17:56: Folle: I'll do my best to kill it!<br>
    17:56: Colere: Yes! Let me kill it, master!<br>
    17:57: Atilius shouts: kill them!<br>
    17:57: Tergin shouts: Any MP's with MatCre mastery?<br>
    17:57: Masked Commando: Dropship, requesting teleport. Get us out of here.<br>
    17:57: Meister: Stop<br>
    17:57: Wrath Incarnation: My powers are at your disposal, master!<br>
    17:57: Meister: Intefer the transport!<br>
    17:57: Jabba: My life force is leaving me...<br>
    17:57: Cohh shouts: THATS IT<br>
    17:57: Cohh shouts: THEY WONT LISTEN TO US<br>
    17:57: Canary shouts: Get a jammer up!<br>
    17:57: Canary shouts: Don't let them port!<br>
    17:59: Atilius shouts: Unitsi have u seen more?<br>
    17:59: Unitsi shouts: no<br>
    17:59: Unitsi shouts: looking<br>
    17:59: Boxxoroxx shouts: Secure the area<br>
    17:59: Atilius shouts: how about inside?<br>
    17:59: Ryll shouts: did they bug out?<br>
    17:59: Unitsi shouts: maybe - entering to scout<br>
    18:00: Unitsi shouts: exciting ending to the CCL meeting

  2. #2
    Thnx for that, this has shed some more light on the Dust Brigade for me.

  3. #3
    17:48: Masked Commando: Dust to Dust

    17:48: Masked Commando: That was a warning shot Windguard Back off now or perish

    17:48: Masked Commando: Viveka You will die for that act

    17:48: Masked Commando: Radiman must be a fool to hire such specimens as you

    17:48: Masked Commando: You call yourself clans? a better joke for me? You are all supporting the wrong cause

    17:48: Masked Commando: He is only selling us all out anyway

    Could the DB Be a Clan not working in terms with Radiman?
    Could they be an uprising.

    Thats it...I have......a suspition that the Dust Brigade is a new from of leadership among the clans....but they also attack other clans..maybe to...make themselves known..

    I dont know, my mind is ....clocking away like mad thinking out all the ideas....hmm...

  4. #4


    17:48: Masked Commando: You call yourself clans? a better joke for me? You are all supporting the wrong caus
    17:48: Masked Commando: He is only selling us all out anyway


    this implies that they r clanners or once were due to the use of the word "US"

    quote: he is only selling US all out anyway

  5. #5
    I wonder who told me this *cough*

  6. #6
    Yes they're clanners in a way. They don't want to live under OT rules, which is pretty much the only requirement for being a clanner.

    But just because they're fundamentally clanners doesn't mean any clans (except Redruums mob) cooperates with them, or even tolerates them... To most of us they're just a bunch of madmen who should be destroyed no matter their alignment.

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