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Thread: Unable to target with TAB or Q

  1. #1

    Unable to target with TAB or Q

    2 problems I've noticed this weekend:

    in my last mission (Sun GMT 10pm'ish) I was unable to target anyone using TAB, and Q didn't seem to work either. Luckily it was a relatively easy mission, but this is not good! Was this just a one-off? Or has anyone else had this problem?

    Also, another character had a large backpack in her inventory on Tuesday. When I logged in yesterday, it was no longer there (along with the various contents of that pack). Expensive item for a level 12 character to lose. Any chance of this being returned?

    Grateful for help.

  2. #2
    I have had tabbing not work a few times. Can't say what might have caused it and relogging fixed it - in a mission though I can understand one might not want to do that.

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