I dont know if this has been brought up anywhere and if it has I appologize for posting this again. Recently i started a neutral character just cuz i wanted the freedom to raom the world without having to worry about PK. Now that is all well and good and for this purpose i chose a proffession i was interested in even if it wasnt the best character to choose.... i chose an Agent.

Now the following problem probably doesnt apply to all classes but is something i would like to see changed. When i began my career as an agent i did the same routine i always do. Walk out into the newbie area, kill a mob, go get mission. It was in the mission area i had the most difficulty. See when i started the mission and every subsequent "newbie" mission all mobs were of my level and neutral. (not OT or Clan mobs just Fresh Agent and such) This on its own is not so bad, however because im neutral as well the only way i can target them to attack them is with the mouse. Unfortunatly for me as an agent getting that first shot in is usually what wins the fight for me. However because of the doors in the mission area i was unable to select the mobs until i was pretty much on top of them.

I'm writing this in the hopes that someone over at FC will read this and hopefully make the neutral mobs auto-targetable in the mission areas assuming you are neutral yourself (ie. Not clan or OT)