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Thread: Central Artery Valley? Where??

  1. #1

    Central Artery Valley? Where??

    How does one get to the Central Artery Valley from Omni Ent.?

    Can someone help me please?

  2. #2


    I don't know what level you are, but if you're not fairly high and have a plane, you probably won't make it. I've only flown through there on my way to deep artery valley to hunt medusa's with a team, and everything I saw in CAV was deep red to me at lvl 90 or so. If you have a plane or just have to try, I whompa to 4 holes, head north to the middle of the next zone (stret west) then head due east, you'll go through one more zone( upper stret east and Cav is the next one. Be careful, CAV is a mayhem zone so there's more than mobs to watch out for.

    PS: the mission generators must be buggy again because I started a new character recently, and he was getting missions to CAV at level 8!

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