just cause every game you play at home makes you the hero, doesn't mean that you are like that in THIS kind of game.

RP is ROLEPLAY. there is rp all around, you just have to watch for it. and participate in it. I LOVE when i see an artox who talks like a big, dumb ox. especially when i know the player, and know that they are a university grad. they are playing a role. not everyone is newsworthy my friend. i have one character that is in over her head in rp....spying, switching sides, gaining loyalty and betraying people based on what her conscience dictates. Lots of fun, but hard to do. staying in character is not about being in the news. it's about being in your character.....and loving every minute of it.

yer not lookin for rp....yer lookin for headlines.

BTW: check out the in progress area on the main AO web page. they will be doing something about what you wanted, in regards to story affecting missions. gonna be a bit of a wait....but not too long, considering the code changes necessary check it out here :
