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Thread: Why be neutral?

  1. #1

    Why be neutral?

    Why would anybody wanna be neutral. in my opinion, all clan are neutral. I have met many clan members which don't think negetively of the people of omni-tech. I don't know about the corp tho. . How can omni-tech not hold neutrals in the same reguard as clan? If ur born in clan, and don't hate omni, r u a neutral? NO. ur a clan. In my opinion, the people of Clan and the PEOPLE of omni-tech are friendly to eachother usually. That's just the fact of it. Sorry FC, ur little story line isn't enough to make players hate other players. We're too nice . Funcom needs to give us a good reason to hate the other side. Like capturable territory/bases and base upgrades... would add depth to the game, but could easily weird up the game if it wasn't executed correctly. I would love to walk into our ORGs base in VW and salute our guards as I save in OUR terminal and walk to OUR weapons bunker to get some nice armor
    ODieEngineer - 130 Atrox Neutral (20 days) Engineer. member of The Independant Rubi-Kaans
    ODieLag - 73 Clan NT (15 days)(my newb days)

  2. #2
    from what i've been hearing funcom will be implmenting more character involvement ...but ... the game is still in beta stages if you ask me ;/

  3. #3
    Neutral is a badge at higher levels. It shows you have a certain degree of character to stick with something that is a major thorn in FunCom's side. They do everything in their power to prevent Neutrals from existing at higher levels.

    A sizeable Neutral population would really screw with the simplistic Black/White story they are running. Imagine if 80% of the population were Neutral.

    As such, they screw the Neutral over at every opportunity. It takes a lot of fortitude to stick with your choice for whatever reason. The fact you can never go back makes it special to see a neutral who sticks it out over lvl50 or so.

    Because of this, we see very few true jerks and immature a-holes in the Neutral community. Most can type a full sentence.

    If either side gave me any reason to join with them and add my power to their cause I'd glady do so. Until that point in time, I'd feel kind of guilty choosing a side simply to get a token board and easier shopping.

    It's kind of like holding off on sex till you're married.
    Last edited by Bionitrous; Jan 29th, 2002 at 09:55:10.

  4. #4
    I have to agree with Bionitrous
    the neutral community is now very tight, and with the formation of several guilds has grown tighter this few weeks.
    playing a neutral char after level 50 starts to get real tricky. until neutbot appeared we had no way to sell items bar sitting in the lag hells of tir and omni trade.
    there is no way to buy nanos over ql99 without making a mule, whereas clan and ot can still buy up to around ql119 and 125 respectively.
    we can not start a pvp conflict (except in mayhem i think)
    Tokens? errr what are they?
    the high level neutrals ie those over level 70 all pretty much know one another and form regular hunting parties

  5. #5


    Hi Bio, brother in mind .

    -> ODieLag:

    'Factions is for the weak'.

    If you CAN'T think of a reason to hate totally unknown persons you never met before in your whole life,
    if you are 'mature' enough to NOT kill some stranger just because of his affiliation (I could vomit while thinking about this 'reason'),
    if you want to rely on MORE than prejudices,
    then you might want to stay neutral.

    This doesn't include all the friendly folks from each side I met so far.

    From another view, it might sound like:
    Neuts are a bunch of elitist whiners that don't want to get dirt in their hands.

    A very wise man/woman said: You might life with a person for life and know nothing about him/her, play a game for one hour with him/her - you will know him/her afterwards.
    (Un)fortunately this is true much to often ... .
    (The citate may not be literal, but I think I kept the meaning)

    So long,

    100% curious

  6. #6
    if I were neutral I'd have 1400 life instead of 1700. Can't have that . plain old truth. Neutral does sounds appealing tho. I have managed to waist IP on every char I've made so undoubtedly, I'll make another character.

    What funcom needs to do is simply let people be able to go neutral. At a certain lvl, 350 hp and nano might not mean that much and ppl would just be neutral.
    Last edited by ODieLag; Jan 29th, 2002 at 19:58:16.
    ODieEngineer - 130 Atrox Neutral (20 days) Engineer. member of The Independant Rubi-Kaans
    ODieLag - 73 Clan NT (15 days)(my newb days)

  7. #7
    My guess from your statements and your character list is that you might just have a couple Nanomage characters. I can understand how the token board effect has a much larger impact on that breed than my Neutral Atrox MP, for example.

    It's a shame that they used the token boards as a way of forcing people to take sides even when they, as in your case, aren't really that interested in fighting for whichever side they were cajoled into signing up with.

    Funny how would expect the Nanomage to probably be the most inclined breed to decide to resign from the conflict in totality. I'd picture them as the kind of self-reflective intelligencia that would decide to 'opt-out' and set up shop in some far away place where they could do research without being bothered by such trivia as politics.

  8. #8


    I often think if Funcom had it to over again...

    Somewhere on the list would be

    Item 223 do not implement neutral as an option.

    But I'm glad they did, as neutrality is a way of life
    Everybody needs an 808
    Everybody needs a 303

  9. #9

    Cool Hehe

    Good one, Rollo.

    What kind of drinks do you 'fix'?

    So long,

    100% curious

  10. #10


    try going through the 2 holes grid and getting blasted by 10 omnis and come back and tell us how much you love us.
    Video games, my anti-drug

  11. #11
    U people are dumb. plain and simple. PVP rank is just a rank of cheaters. I zoned into 2ho, and saw me being attacked before my screen had become totally white yet, And my computer doesn't load slowly. I hope u people have fun killing people, because I don't care if I am killed by u guyz. btw, I made a terminate shortcut for when I zone . I hope everbody does. Most of the omni players I think are still nice btw.
    ODieEngineer - 130 Atrox Neutral (20 days) Engineer. member of The Independant Rubi-Kaans
    ODieLag - 73 Clan NT (15 days)(my newb days)

  12. #12


    hey you neutrals out there, GET OFF THE FENCE!!!

  13. #13
    "hey you neutrals out there, GET OFF THE FENCE!!! "

    Nah, it's too much fun up here looking at you idiots slapping each other in the face. Kinda like the view from the fence.

  14. #14
    just make guards aggro towards the other faction. that will be a reason to stay neutral really everyone understands, regardless his iq or age

  15. #15

    Hehe, we all saw it coming

    Maybe, from today on, there will be some more reasons to stay neutral:

    Amnesty Ends, Conflict Escalates

    Girl: You are not working for some oracle, aren't you?

    I am really interested, how the faction guards will treat us ...

    So long,

    100% curious

  16. #16

    ooh ya, suppression fields are dropped ...

    time for a little payback ....

  17. #17
    Well, yes, omni/clan guards don't KOS neutrals... but: Aligned NPC's (those OT Bureaucrats, etc) DO (sometimes, it's reported).

    And if a hostile NPC attacks you, their guards will then join in to help toast you.

    So the Omni/Clan cities/outposts aren't safe for neutrals to wander in. Of course, this could have changed when things went to live, Funcom never seems to mention half the changes they're making to the testlive versions when they go live.

  18. #18

    I'm pretty sure ...

    that if you managed to outlevel the stupid non-guard aligned NPC's that you'll be pretty safe. As an example, at lvl62 the Clan affiliated snipers and enforcers in Bliss are all green or grey. One or two more levels and I can do missions in there all I want. They won't attack anymore.

    I feel sorry for any newly signed up player who sees the folly of the idiot Clans and Omni who get some kind of rise out of killing each other and wants to opt out. Until the NPC's go grey on ya' it's a living nightmare with your only view of the world being Last Ditch->Borealis->Newland.

    I've always stated that aligned NPC's should only kill _opposing_ factions in 75% zones and all non-same factions in 25% zones. Somebody explain to me why a Neutral Trader would get terminated on sight in a Trade Zone like Omni-Trade. I can understand HQ or a mining facility like 2HO. But getting killed at the mall? (Entertainment)

    Screw the shortsighted or inept game designers. I've outleveled many of their brain-dead NPC's who can't tell a Neutral from an Omni and will continue to be true to my beliefs that the majority of those who wish for an end to this Amnesty were simply immature teenagers who may have gotten a clue by the time the first 4 year story is nearing its conclusion. A conclusion that will in fact have neither Omni or the Clans in total control of the planet.

  19. #19

    Unhappy One more reason

    Happened this weekend:

    I wanted to sneak a mission in Stret West Bank, Central River Bank for a nice reward (Battle suit -> $). It's 25% area, so I am cautious - I know.
    I went there, checked the radar - clean. Ok, buffed up (sneaking, lock pick, speed), morphed into leet, Cloaking Device on, enter. The area was to hard to fight (several reds), so I went on searching. As the story goes, I got detected - had to run (as you know, with a Cloaking device on, you cannot fight AND you can't remove that little device either ). I zoned with about 60% health (!) - screen came back - I was under the attack of some one ... . Rooted(?), deprived/ransacked and gunned from the roof top of another building (!!!). Well, I had enough time to check out my opponent (T) before I terminated (remember, I couldn't fight - Cloaking device).
    Hmm, the attacker was green to me, so I think I would have given it a try, although I am neutral (I had nothing to loose) and just wielding Pistols.

    My dear Clanners and OTs, it's people like these that make it very unlikely that a Neutral will choose any faction at all. I don't mind getting attacked in a political zone - he, that is life. But if you read my report carefully, you will find several 'tactics' that make the attacker look like a real coward. (He couldn't know about the cloaking device, sure, but attacking someone from a roof top just after he zoned from a mission area with little more than half of his health and morphed into Leet, who doesn't fight back - come on).

    So long,

    Max(imilian) Neutral - factions are for the weak
    100% curious

  20. #20
    I started clan, did a few omnis, and then decided that I'd go neutral for a challenge, and I like the feeling of being neutral a lot more than either side. Newland is also a much nicer place to start out in than Omni Ent. or Tir (Tir's shops are too hard to find, and Omni Ent. is gawdawfully big). I meet nice ppl on both sides (one omni dude even gave my newbi neut. char a nice 300x. belt w/ 44ncus and 100k creds), but there is the occasional *******, usually clan because there are zillions of them in Newland and I don't like to leave the Newland-Borealis-Athens vicinity, who gives me grief for being neutral.

    Yeah... and amnesty being over really sucks for us. I was going on a mission for some nice keelarrs, so I used my nice sparrow flight graft, started to fly over through lush to clon**** (since my char couldn't use the grid yet), and I see "Attacked by Slayer-droid," as I go past OP. Aieee... didn't try to run (my doc was only lvl 12 at the time). Went down like a chump in one hit.

    Although I did get my bf to help me transfer the mission key to my omni adventurer and got the keelarrs for my poor-ass doc.

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