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Thread: Healing AND damage should both be 100% but capped at 40%, can we agree on this?

  1. #1

    Healing AND damage should both be 100% but capped at 40%, can we agree on this?

    The current healing vs damage balance in pvp is totally ruined, there is no balance at all. Me and many others wants both damage and healing to be 100% and capped at 40% of max health, can we agree on this? Currently MP pets and other healers heals faster than ppl can do damage, in my opinion something is wrong. So I want to know if you agree on 100/40 % for both healing and damage and why you agree and I want to know if you disagree, and why you disagree.
    NT phone HOME!!

  2. #2
    Hurt time do you mean?
    I get hit hard enough as it already!

    Look, it doesnt not matter what clas your are or what HP you have.
    If everyone can get hit for a max dmg, which they do these days, that means I will die as fast as anyone else.

    Am I right or Am I right?

  3. #3
    for once i can agree with garzu :P

    regular hits should be 100% with specials and crits capped at 40%, then healing and shields could stay the way they are
    Phionna -retired 171 Agent

  4. #4
    but then again i dont know what to do about nukes because 1100 AE damage every 2 seconds would be too fair either
    Phionna -retired 171 Agent

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Cloudeh
    Hurt time do you mean?
    I get hit hard enough as it already!
    You do? I cant nuke faster than the healers can heal...

    Originally posted by Cloudeh
    Look, it doesnt not matter what clas your are or what HP you have.
    If everyone can get hit for a max dmg, which they do these days, that means I will die as fast as anyone else.
    No, that is not true, but NTs for example should outdamage you, so it should be an even fight.

    Originally posted by Cloudeh
    m I right or Am I right?
    Nah, you are wrong or you are wrong.

    So, you think the current dmg vs heal balance in pvp is jsut as it should? Why cant you come wiht some suggestions on how to fix?
    NT phone HOME!!

  6. #6
    No you IDIOT!

    I dont agree with what it is already, where did I say that?

  7. #7
    i think what garzu means it 100% damage that caps out at 40% max hp. yes i think that's a good idea but heals shouldnt be capped like this. u can go back to the doc post and see it i dont wanna go over it again hehe.

  8. #8
    Yes, most important is to make dmg 100% and capped at 40%, then healing dont need to be nerfed at all.
    NT phone HOME!!

  9. #9
    I dont care what they do as long as dmage and healing are kept on the same table. Having a 40% damage cap and no cap on heals is ludicrous. Having a 40% damage cap and a 40% heal cap is sensible if there is going to be a cap the healing needs to be capped appropriately as well to maintain balance.

  10. #10
    currently best way is to change the damage and not touch the heals, otherwise enforcers should cap out at 40% with their mongo too along with doc's short hp buffes and then mas already suck and you wanna make them any worse? advens are suffering already as well so cap healing at 40% is outragously stupid. what are you gonna post next turbulence? only nerf the doc heals and leave other profs along? pfffft. they are doctors for a reason ya know?

  11. #11
    they are doctors for a reason ya know?

    Well, we are damage dealers for a reason too.... but now you out heal our damage...

    BOOST damage back to 100% and cap it at 40%, same with healing.
    NT phone HOME!!

  12. #12
    I support changing this 10000000000000000000000% and that is a big, big number. previous changes only managed to double the effect of shields and health... Rather than do anything to effect every shield and health nano, it would simply be most effective to return damage to it's initial amount, but leave the 40% cap in effect. I would even be ok of only putting that 40% cap on specials... but that's just my own opinion and I know it prolly isn't waidely popular since some might get annoyed when they get insta-killed by Izgammers Last Word... but I really think that was the intention of that nano.

    And I am a Lvl 112 Agent... and I don't mind being killed by Izzy's last word. Seems like that was the intention of several attacks in the game (i.e. Full Auto/Aimed Shot/Nano Nukes).

    Anyways... Shields and HP's are a crock at the moment compared to damage. Which hurts fixers who don't have shields and don't have good heals. At least my agent can FP:soldier and get the best shields.
    Last edited by eleetist; Jan 29th, 2002 at 20:44:35.

  13. #13
    Any cap on the amount of healing will be detrimental to the game. Any limiting of the amount of healing in pvp versus in regular fighting will end up with the problem of deciding who is in pvp and who is not and how to deal with exploits of this situation by either attacking people who are already fighting a monster or people dragging a monster into a pvp battle on purpose. Those guards in 2ho especially constantly end up mixed up in PvP battles. I have heard of no solution to this issue and starting five more threads on the matter wont change the inherent problem with limiting heals only for PvP.

    Starting five more threads wont solve the problem of higher level players killing lower level ones easily with a few specials either, which still happens even with damage capped at 50%. Those players would be able to kill other high level players as well if damage was at 100%.

    If we don't want people to insta-kill each other then we need to have even greater limits on PvP damage than we have now. If we do, then *all* caps should be removed so that the insta kills are not restricted to just the few classes that can afford to raise two or three special attacks or have normal attacks with a minimum damage of 1000. Which is it?

    What I see you (Garzu) proposing over and over is limits that would specifically make your own class far better in PvP, but would destroy many others.

    Should we all start five threads about removing the ability of nano techs to cast area attack spells which can kill many people at once, something which no other class can do in pvp? How about increasing the ability of melee classes to attack at 40m distance? Decreasing the recharge time and increasing damage of dimach, brawling, fast attack, sneak attack to make it so melee classes can be reasonably assured of killing you if they can ever reach you? Increasing the potency of nano resist so that you will never be able to root people, that way they will have a chance to kill you? Lowering the range of nano tech attack spells which still outrange most weapons even without range increasers?

  14. #14
    Any cap on the amount of healing will be detrimental to the game. Any limiting of the amount of healing in pvp versus in regular fighting will end up with the problem of deciding who is in pvp and who is not and how to deal with exploits of this situation by either attacking people who are already fighting a monster or people dragging a monster into a pvp battle on purpose. Those guards in 2ho especially constantly end up mixed up in PvP battles. I have heard of no solution to this issue and starting five more threads on the matter wont change the inherent problem with limiting heals only for PvP.

    First, I dont want heals to be nerfed, i want dmg to be 100% again. Second, there is ways to work around a 50% heal cap, which has been posted many times in all those threads you mention. And, currently both dots and nukes cost 2x as much as normal, NTs MPs Docs and a few others already pay 2x much nano for their DDs. This should be fixed along time ago, currently NTs are hurt bad with this, cause we only use DDs in pvp, effectively halving our nano pool.

    Starting five more threads wont solve the problem of higher level players killing lower level ones easily with a few specials either, which still happens even with damage capped at 50%. Those players would be able to kill other high level players as well if damage was at 100%.

    Since the dmg nerf, i have NEVER been instakilled by 3 specials, never. Raise your evades...

    If we don't want people to insta-kill each other then we need to have even greater limits on PvP damage than we have now. If we do, then *all* caps should be removed so that the insta kills are not restricted to just the few classes that can afford to raise two or three special attacks or have normal attacks with a minimum damage of 1000. Which is it?

    Those professions you talk about rely very much upon their specials... it is one of their main skills.

    What I see you (Garzu) proposing over and over is limits that would specifically make your own class far better in PvP, but would destroy many others.

    Actually NO, this is no NT only un-nerf suggestion... its a suggestion that will benefit most professions in the game.

    Should we all start five threads about removing the ability of nano techs to cast area attack spells which can kill many people at once, something which no other class can do in pvp?

    Would be as lame as claiming team heals should be removed from docs...

    How about increasing the ability of melee classes to attack at 40m distance?

    Go ahead... I have never heard anyone complain about melee range... melee = close combat = short range

    Increasing the potency of nano resist so that you will never be able to root people, that way they will have a chance to kill you?

    Actually i would like NR to get boosted...

    Lowering the range of nano tech attack spells which still outrange most weapons even without range increasers?

    Huh? All ranged weapons and debuffs and nukes is capped at 40m... all but meleers can get that range, so i dont see your point.
    NT phone HOME!!

  15. #15
    I don't want them to change back to 100% damage, even if capped at 40%.

    A high lvl soldier's alpha strike(fling, burst, full auto) would kill most players, even if high evades.

    About the healing I don't really know what I want, MAs and adventurers already suck so if they change healing it will make them even worst..

    A change I really would like to see is that if you are under attack from another player, no zoning possible, I bet the whompa from 2ho is the most used "door" for some players. Zone in, Alpha strike, MK, zone out.

    And remove the damn guards from 2ho or atleast change so they don't attack if the omni attack the clanner first.

    It just get abit boring when a certain agent AS you and then chain root you until the guards kill you...
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