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Thread: events and the future.. in next patch

  1. #1

    events and the future.. in next patch

    for those who dont frequent the AO-Basher board, I thought I would post this link here:

  2. #2

    Red face patch blues

    Im just curious, is this a patch or an expansion pack, hehe. I hope everything pans out with this patch, they took my new bot out so im already not happy about that, and theres a rumour about vectors being nerfed, which I'm really worried about. If gms are going to be able to get more involved after this patch and it makes things more interesting, then i think i can hold off on my kamakaze bot hehe.

    My question is: When is the patch going to be released?

    /me pinches self to make sure i'm not dreaming

  3. #3


    First thanks to Trimus for posting this.

    Why do I have to relay on AO-Basher to get relavint info on a Funcom game? Why is this not posted on the main site? Why do I have to wait for a clever player to find something in some obscure (no offence basher) location? Why is everyone in the entire playerbase completly at a loss for word on the status of the next patch? Why is the new GM options not listed in the patch notes on the test server?

    Anyone want to take a stab at answering any of these questions?

  4. #4


    FunCom has a fansite newsletter the community reps send out every time there's something interesting going on. FC is trying to give the fansites something worthwhile to post, not just the same old daily screenshot etc.

    The only thing I'm worried about is the fact that the official story/game site along with the bulletin boards is taking the place of we really need sites like AO Basher when FunCom is doing the same thing themselves?

    I'm reading basher for the editorials (and maps), and I read the vault boards now since FC reps have started posting there..but that's all.

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