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Thread: Meeting Concerning the DB

  1. #1

    Meeting Concerning the DB

    The Dust Brigade has been allowed to inhabit our lands much too long as it is, and we've allowed too many opportunities for them to spread their particular brand of fear(tm). Recently they have begun striking at our homes and home towns. I've seen many die at their hands, and seen much destruction from them, its time we did something to strike back.

    Tomorrow Friday April 2nd @ 6pm EST/11pm GMT I would like to call a meeting in ICC for interested parties to discuss potential ways we can rid ourselves of this threat.

    All factions are encouraged to attend, Omni/Clan/Neutral alike. Hope to see you all there.

    (I appologize for the short notice, but this needs to be done.)
    Last edited by Fixerben; Apr 1st, 2004 at 19:53:51.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  2. #2
    I'm also going to need Security Volunteers so we can be ensured that the DB will not come to crash my party. I'd like to have 2 guards posted at all entrances/exits to and from ICC. So if anyone is willinto to stand guard please contact me. I will conduct the meeting in a private chat group so the people standing guard will also be able to hear what is going on at the meeting. If your intereted in being a security volunteer please contact me tonight so we can make plans ahead of time.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  3. #3
    I concur. Too long has this band of thugs disrupted the daily lives of neutrals, clan members...and innocent Omni citizens alike. I would like to attend and hopefuly help one day to rid this planet of their unwanted influence.
    Hello, my name is Adan..and I was addicted to Nanokits......untill I discovered Notum Siphon CQ (tm)
    Adan Solkalibur Basso

    Armor Layout

    Clan affiliated supporter of the Nanomage Liberation Front.

  4. #4
    Just a reminder, tonight at 6pm EST/11pm GMT in ICC this meeting will commence. Security forces will also be needed.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  5. #5
    Omni-InternOps will be present; I doubt a Clanner will be able to contribute much, even though the Dust Brigade is of their ilk, but any information that can help Omni-Tek is valuable.
    Zack "Eternalforce" Craddock
    Professional soldier of fortune.
    Quote Originally Posted by dustynova
    ahhh Ao where the men are boys the women are men and the leets are very very nervous.

  6. #6
    Thanks to all that attended the meeting. For a recording of the conversations please visit the following link to a report by Noticiero Click here.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  7. #7


    Way back, a very long time ago, so long ago in fact that I had to look up some old grid feeds on the subject to get the exact dates.

    I was at a clan leaders meeting, the very same week end that a similar meeting of OT leaders was attacked by these Masked Commandos of The Dust Brigade (not the copy cat org that formed later). We were all brutealy shot down in the same way, by tall and darkly clad DBs. This incedant was on the 9th of February 29476.
    It was then that I decided we all needed to put asside our differences and work together on fighting this common threat. I wrote a story that was taken up on one of the grid sites, not sure what one at this moment though it was so long ago. The meeting was set for Reets Retreat and many people showed up, from all sides, and security was tight to be sure. We had a good meeting then and formed United People of Rubi Ka to share information and try to track these DBs down. We had some great intel passed around during and after the meeting but the DB disappeared within months of the whole thing and the group went on to other things.
    If these recent attacks are the same DB come back to try to bring havoc, pain, and fear to this planets citizens yet again then something has to be done, and it seems that joining together to fight them is the only thing that they fear at all.

    Fixerben I hope this new initiative will work as well as, or hopefully even better than, ours did back then.

    News, Reviews, Previews and other game articles.
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  8. #8
    I sincerely hope so too, but I am going to need a lot of help. I havent received any Intelligence about the DB as of yet. Hopefully someone can give me some useful information.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  9. #9
    I remember my former leader, Commander Redruum, was constantly accused of working with the Dusters becuase those Clan leaders attacked at the meeting didn't agree with Redruum and of course, Redruum had made some statements that could be seen as support for them.
    -Finalizer Vixentrox-
    Former President and Founder,
    -Whisper's Edge-
    Former Member of the Atlantean CoT Clerical Staff

    Socializer 73% Killer 53% Explorer 53% Achiever 20%

    Kissysuzuki -
    WTB small enough brain and lack of imagination to be able to sit and solo hecklers for 5 days straight.

  10. #10
    Yes I remember that too. Glad to say however it was not true.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  11. #11
    Some disturbing rumors I've heard recently about links between the Dust Brigade and the Unicorn Brigade. Last time I called this meeting things died out. In light of this new information I'd like to ask again for any information people might have one the Dust Brigade and Unicorn Brigade and any possible links between the two. Please if you have any information contact me in game, or contact me using any of the other methods listed on this gridfeed.

    If sufficient information can be obtained I'd like something to come out of this, hopefully we can bring this to the Council once we have a collective of information, and then we can really get something done about the DB and UB.

    Thank you for your time.
    Last edited by Fixerben; Aug 29th, 2004 at 02:31:08.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  12. #12
    There is no link between the Dust Brigade and the Unicorns. The Unicorns are elite soldiers from Omni-Prime, and although they are ruthless and unconcerned with the well-being of others in the Corporation, they follow Omni-Tek's orders to the letter. Now, looking at the Dust Brigade, they have never been anything but harmful to the Corporation, and thus can not be affiliated with the Unicorns in any way. Their ways may be the same, but their goals are completely opposite.
    Ward "Wisewise" Kenley.
    Enlightened Omni-Tek employee and pistolero in the proud service of Omni-Pol.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Wisewise
    There is no link between the Dust Brigade and the Unicorns. The Unicorns are elite soldiers from Omni-Prime, and although they are ruthless and unconcerned with the well-being of others in the Corporation, they follow Omni-Tek's orders to the letter. Now, looking at the Dust Brigade, they have never been anything but harmful to the Corporation, and thus can not be affiliated with the Unicorns in any way. Their ways may be the same, but their goals are completely opposite.
    Consider the facts here.
    The DB were used as an excuse to harrass and conduct a witch hunt within the Council of Truth, rumours out of Omni Pol were that the DB were linked to the CoT and thus clan led and backed, even though clan leaders were hit just as hard by those rascals as were omni leaders. I know, I was there.

    It is not unthinkable that DB and the unicorns could be linked, any tool OT can use against us they would, given half a chance.

    We should not ignore any possability here, no matter how far fetched it may seem. Who was it who said "How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?" This certainly applies in this case.
    News, Reviews, Previews and other game articles.
    Abriis World, my blog. Links to my other sites, including I Am a PC Gamer are all there.

  14. #14
    Last night at the Council meeting Windguaerd had some interesting information to share with u:

    [Vicinity] Windguaerd: At the last meeting...I came and the end and said I had an informat regarding the Unicorns...well..he is dead, but before he was permakilled...I got part of the info he was trying to transmit.
    [Vicinity] Windguaerd: Unfortunately during his communication with me through a channel...wherever he was...he came under attack...and died in fromt of my screen....
    [Vicinity] Windguaerd: However before he died...he did tell me something....
    [Vicinity] Windguaerd: The weapons signature from Dust Brigade and Unicorn Company...are almost identical....
    [Vicinity] Windguaerd: Which means either the technology from OT somehow....which is possible....or there is someone in OT giving them the tech...maybe even funds.
    [Vicinity] Windguaerd: Or they stole it...but UC tech on DB hands....makes me wonder who is behind the masks....clanners...or our old foes

    Seems very interesting. Rumors from a dead reporter, and as Vix said:

    [Vicinity] Vixentrox: we have UC coming and investigating a crash, UC killing a reporter and threatening all factions, UC taking Ross into custody, and now if this is confirmed, UC possibly tied to the Dusters

    More strange things going on, none of which do I like in the least. If anyone has further information on either group the Unicorn Brigade or Dust Brigade keep me posted.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  15. #15
    Given that both reclaim technology and the life-force scattering technology were both created by Omni-Tek, I’m not all that surprised that the weapons signatures left by the perma-death weapons are similar to the originals.

    In the end, this is nothing new. Every side has been blamed the others for being the origin of the Dust Brigade with little success in actually proving the claim.
    Marisha Durousseau, War Dominatrix of The Honored Maidens

    Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright?--CEO Nwabudike Morgan, "The Ethics of Greed"

    Read Marisha's Journal, and see what she's doing

  16. #16
    I'm sure there is more than one way to scatter someones life-force as you put it. There must have been some definitive evidence for such an outrageous claim to be made. I'd love to know more about the evidence, unfortunately the informant has also expired permanently.

    So if anyone with information would step forward we could keep it completely anonymous, I can guarantee your safety and the confidentiality of any information disclosed.

    I'm also still looking for any information on the Dust Brigade I can get. So far its all normal information, nothing too useful. Command structure, Names of Commanders, and other internal information is also needed. The same consideration and confidentiality will be provided for this information.

    Thanks again for your time

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  17. #17
    Why would there have to be definite evidence when the claim is made by a clanner? The Unicorns are anti-clan (as they are pro Omni-Tek), and I wouldn't be surprised if some clanner(s) started spreading vicious rumours about them to get one less enemy to fight.
    Ward "Wisewise" Kenley.
    Enlightened Omni-Tek employee and pistolero in the proud service of Omni-Pol.

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