Black and bulky spaceships moves through emptines of outer galaxy. It's speed isn't great and only by aligning resonate coordinate of "nearby" stars it's progess can be seen ( Or if you have stamina and patience to hang around in cold vacuum for couple of days). It also needs to be said it's not bulky as beached whale but more in a way of prehistoric lizard lurking behind lush vegetation, posed for strike.

In a room filled with monitors, blinking lights and all sorts of other gizmos, the kind which makes each engineer have wet dreams, a heavely cloaked being sits on raised pedestral. It's pose indicates utter importance and total boredom. Heavy garb in which this being is wraped into reveals nothing, maybe only that something has gone wrong with temerature controls.

On the other end of the room door silently slips open as another cloaked being walks in. It approaches other in that particular way, slowly enough to indicate dignity and yet quickly enought not to tempt wrath. All it's bearings reveals that the news it's about to bring are bitter-sweet and give choice it would rather be on some far of planet with colourfull glass ( with umbrella!) in front of it. It stops 4 meters before seated figure and executes formal greeting.

Minutes past without any movement or comunication betwen both figures. Finally seated one says "yes" with air of someone disapointed that whatever brought this minion in its presence wasn't urgent enought to abondon protocol.
I bear good news, oh Great one" says minion, with air of someone, who knows that might not be entirely true. It also must be said that no vibrations of air was detected as communication with this species seems to consist solely of memos or notes.
" Let's hear it then, I don't have whole day, you know. A technical lie, where both parties know the opposite holds true.
" The planet inhibatetd by those primates, so called Rubi-Ka is no more!!" Let's just hope everyone will get cought up in enthusiastic gloating.
" So mission was comlete succes?" Let's hear the other part, the one you don't want to be told.
"Actually we're still in phase of gathering information. Some sighns indicate that our plan has failed, but also that Rubi-Ka exploded couple of hours before." Let's see....if I achive maximum speed in 1 second, how long will it take me to get out of room?.....
" For that there will be consequences. But main goal is achived. Rubi-ka and it's total population is gone." I don't care who are you in relation to, here's my chance to get rid of you and take sole credits for job done.
At that point queit conversation gets interupted by opening of some lid in ceiling. Snowstorm of notes and memos start falling through opening, cuting visiability to couple of centimeters. If you are quick reader you can just barely catch some of sentences and ideas written.

Quote Originally Posted by Vixentrox
There certainly are. My clan, Mercury Dragons, and Assembly are usually all looking for new people. Check us out.
Quote Originally Posted by Kithrak
Council of Truth? Council of Lies is a more befitting name. They say they're for freedom yet they oppress Neutrals and Omni-Tek citizens alike regardless. They say they are for a better all Rubi-Ka, yet their millitant actions are conquest rather in nature. They say they know how to best run Rubi-Ka, yet they cannot even uphold common law and accountability among their own.
Quote Originally Posted by Savoy
I am certain the Clans will never stoop so low as to buying and selling land. Let this be one sin only Omni-Tek employees are guilty of!
Quote Originally Posted by Daimoness
Just a few days ago I spotted an Omni citizen walking through Athens yelling around obscenities and waiting for someone to attack him.

Such "sports" were, until recently, confined to the arena areas and certain outdoor regions, but now this bloody entertainment has reached the cities.
Quote Originally Posted by Lunayu
Rubi-Ka is full of war, and people strive to become the most powerful in it so that they may crush their foes. They will flock to the places that provide that for them.
Quote Originally Posted by Naefen
Omni Tek isnt just about making guns and extracting Notum. Its a society. Its a community. For every Omni Tek employee you see with a gun, there are tens of Omni Tek without who needs protection. This is why we need the best protection there is.
Quote Originally Posted by Marisha
While I don’t believe I’m a brainwashed zombie, I also do not call people unfit parents without evidence. On that point, we agree. You will note, please, that I have not made any statements regarding anyone’s fitness as a parent, or at least no statment any more specific then the generalizations were allready throwing about.
Quote Originally Posted by Fixerben
Cover up much? Conspiracy theory?
Quote Originally Posted by Joshua Crime
What a big load of steaming doo-doo. Anyone that believes such garbage about a clear case of press intimidation deserves to be horribly ridiculed, lambasted and tormented for daring to open their mouth and spout such sewage.
Quote Originally Posted by Tussa
They will be published very shortly.
Quote Originally Posted by Kzak
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. It all depends on the point of view.
Quote Originally Posted by Naefen
It must, however be nice for the terrorists to have a more "friendlier" name to take for themselfes.
Quote Originally Posted by Talan
However last time I was there I noticed a few more people hanging around on "The Hill", no where near as many as in its heyday, but still, it gives on hope.

((Just bored at work and playing around....quotes are random and whole post is to be taken as fiction and hopefully fun))