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Thread: Unatural Herds?

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Unatural Herds?

    Just my opinion here. I have been playing this game since
    beta. Yes, I know alot of people say that. I have. And I do not post on these board often. But, while playing AO i have come to realize somthing. As I wander around such areas as say 4 Holes I relized, while i'm in the middle of my death, that the creatures killing me seem to stand around in these huge herds and never roam any where.You have like 90% barren lifeless land and 10% wierd herds and 1 or 2 creatures roaming. And you might ask well what level are you, well i'm 41. And know i have not seen all theres is to see. But from what I have seen the mobs need to be spread out a little more. I don't think it would hurt anything. I mean like the desert around Newland. Why are there like fourty rhinomen in a gaggle out there. I know they have towns. Put them there if they have to be like thet and have some roamers of verying levels.If anything I think that this would cut down on lag and make hunting outside of missions a little less stressful. Thanks.

    p.s. I am sorry if this paragraph is well not broken up but and nevering ending string of run on sentence I apologize. Bye

  2. #2


    yeah, there are some wierd mob dispersment issues,

    if you have a plane,
    go fly around Mort a bit.

    you will see literally 50+ creatures all within a few feet of eachother
    (often on top of eachother) while most other areas are lifeless.
    I doubt this is intended.

    unless all the cyborgs and clansmen and dragons
    and rageriders and intestinal horrors and sandworms
    are all just having a big beach party.

  3. #3
    I think its intentional. Just imagine how impossible it would be for anyone without a Yal to get from A to B if the nasty stuff wasnt grouped into small chunks. You wouldn't be able to run around things anymore.

  4. #4

    not sure

    i dunno man .. you seen what im talking about?
    nobody is gonna wander places like Mort on foot anyway.
    It's like every mob within miles are all crowded into
    10 square feet of space .. it really looks like a spawn problem.

  5. #5

    speeking of which

    When the battle of Sabulum took place many of my guild mates didn't have yalms, Nor did our leader. Do they all met up at meetmedeere and had a big team gather around they traveled tehe distance there.

  6. #6
    Thanks alot lot for all your imputs on this. I would just hope funcom can maybe look at this and maybe do something about it.
    Because i's a little hard for a group od 2 or maybey even six to
    kill 50+ creatures within a few feet of each other. To funcom
    this as with alot of other problems you are haveing is important
    maybe even more important.See, there have a vocal bunch on
    these boards.Know i'm not sure about those who do not post here.I really just started myself.But, alot of people seem to not
    like the idea of going from spawn camping to mission camping.
    Alot of people do like exploration and finding camps with a reasonable amount of creatures in it. And singles and herds moving arout the O so barren lannds. So in closeing funcom.
    Please take this into consideration. Even make a pole to get a general idea of the feelings of others. Thats all I have to say.
    Bye all.

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