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Thread: Brawl missing on Burning Crescent and Click-stabber

  1. #1

    Brawl missing on Burning Crescent and Click-stabber

    There are still two weapon types with MA requirements but no Brawl. I can understand why some melee weapon would not have brawl; they could be used as an alternate attack by an MP or NT without having to raise brawl.
    All MA weapons should have brawl though, right?
    An MA weapon without brawl is like an Agent rifle without Aimed shot.

    Also, there is a spelling error in the name of the Crescents after QL49:
    Burning Crescent - Star Five(1)
    Burning Cresent - Star Four(50)
    Burning Cresent - Star Three(100)
    Burning Cresent - Star Two(150)
    Burning Cresent - Star One(200)

  2. #2
    Posted here, posted in test server forum, sent e-mail to, waited a couple days, no responces from FC or anyone else....

    Is this a bug are are these MA weapons intended to be useless?

  3. #3

    not a bug

    this is not a bug.

    some melee weapons dont have brawl.

    just like some dont have fast-attack etc.

    no difference.

    it's just the design.

    burning crescents are actually kindof a cool concept
    if MA+weapon bugs ever get fixed.

    0.3atk/2.2recharge (if memory is correct)
    and you punch during the recharge of a weapon
    so you're not losing hardly any fist-time for having
    the weapon equiped and gaining another quick hit.

    fights should go:
    slash .. punch.. punch .. slash .. punch .. punch..
    very very fast.

    probably why brawl was sacrificed in the design.

    it's just another choice you have to weigh when planning
    your character . . also, only raising 2 skills to use these is nice
    for a profession like an engineer or doc etc using martial arts.
    notice there is no dimach requirement either.
    probably not a weapon that a true martial artist would use.

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