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Thread: Carrier Crafts...

  1. #1

    Unhappy Carrier Crafts...

    Try to find one.

    'Nuff said.

    P.S. to blind fools, Hydro Vehicles have the same icon, though only cost 50k or so. Carriers are usually 75-150k.

  2. #2
    I much prefer the Hydro vehicle, lets me over-equip my swimming trunks.

  3. #3

    Angry .

    If they want to nerf them, then they should have also deleted all of them, or remove the Str bonus. (then, they would be LESS useful than Hydros, since they dont add to runspeed or anything, just make you big and ugly, and give more Str for carrying things...and using Str clusters on more useful things like shotgun and Sensory Improvement. Though the few points added to Shotgun and 2hb is nice. They aren't super useful for implants since you can't non-exploit treatment bonus more than once anymore. And the only good imps that need Str are some Left/Right arm ones)

    I'm sick of things like Sunburst Mk III and FA 3927s. Either nerf it or don't, giving earlier players a marked advantage with a nerfed items is a load of bull. Not to mention the havoc it wracks on the economy. (though carriers are nodrop...)

    Since they didn't delete them, I assume its Y.A.B. Yet Another Bug.

  4. #4
    Id like one too so i can equip my bugged primus helmet (+100 str than it should have)

  5. #5
    I had a GM say that to his knowledge they have not been removed from the game, however, he could not tell me when/where they are supposedly available.


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