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Thread: IP relocation now!!

  1. #1

    IP relocation now!!

    I qoute from Star Wars galaxies:

    "Changing Skills
    Once you decide to learn a skill, you are not "stuck" with that skill for the rest of your character's life. On the contrary, you may give up skills you no longer want in order to free up skill points, which can then be spent on new and different skills. For example, if you find that you do not enjoy being a mechanic and would rather try your hand at galactic politics, you may "sell back" your mechanical skills and begin reassigning the freed up skill points to political skills. You will still need to satisfy any prerequisites the new skills require, but no skill points are lost in the reallocation."

    Make it happen or loose players!

  2. #2

    Well you, it's EQ fault...

    UO had a good skill system and Verant introduced, soon followed by Turbine, a skill system based on leveling.
    It's named "customer captivation" in marketing slang...

    Hopefully, Funcom already understood it's the wrong way and are implementing systems to free characters from their mistakes, or let them change their mind.

    If we get it before march we are very lucky though...

  3. #3
    It´s no doubt about it, they have to let players relocate their IP in one way or the other. The small minority of players who dont like this can cancel their accounts. If FC want a community they have to make the game fun to play, make faster/smaller and easier missions as a option (with lesser awards of course), fix unbalance (such as token farming). Let all things be optional, if you want to do missions for a coupple of hours, fine! But there has to be a way for high lvl char. to play and have fun without 4 hours of playing. I could go on for hours but i have to work.

  4. #4

    Please make it so

    I want to see this done! Bump

  5. #5
    Iwould like to see this heppen but at a cost to the player in relation to his/her lvl otherwise people will try to abuse this priveledge. I don't know what the cost would sounds petty so think of something but we can't just stuff all in Pharma tech change tons of parts and then head back to the other skills for free now can we?

    Anyway it still needs to heppen but seeing as they have a little trouble telling us about anything that's going on I doubt i'll ever see it

  6. #6
    You are demanding that Funcom implement features that are at best 'possibly' going to be implemented in a game that is going to be released 'sometime in 2003' that they are almost certainly going to lose many players to no matter what they do? Odd tactic I think. I think IP reallocation is silly once a game has been running this long, and it gets sillier every day that passes since release. Just write down what you did wrong, remake your character, and be more careful next time.

    This is not a flame.

  7. #7


    Why should i make a new character everytime they decide to nerf something? (exp. concealment, full auto)

  8. #8
    "Why should i make a new character everytime they decide to nerf something"

    have you ever played any other online games? They are all like this. That's why peeps are always rerolling. As dev's balance a game and find classes that are overpowered, these changes happen. It soldier Level 70 retired months ago.

    If you are still playing the first character as your main, he's a gimp......... just accept it and start over

  9. #9
    I'd rather see ip-reallocation once the professions are done being balanced, otherwise future nerfs or increases in power will spawn more posts like this one. So either sit tight and wait, reroll, or find another game. I wouldn't suggest another MMORPG though, all of them have this problem in some form.

  10. #10
    I like the idea. I think you will start seeing more things like that happen in future morphs.

    Just imagine having that option you stated put into AO. I bet you will see alot less complaining on these boards if that was implemented.

    I have never read one good argument why this wouldnt be a good idea. I usually read post about people worrying how others will play thier character instead of thier own.

    One idea from some is all professions will look alike. This is not an IP problem but a game design problem.

    Another is people should just forget about thier current character and just start rerolling a new one. Well this seems pretty selfish since some people work and can only play a few hours a week. They might have reached level 60 after several months of playing.

    The whole point of playing these types of games is to develop a character the way you like and enjoy and by all means escape from reality for a second and have fun in a fantasy world. If one person decides after a certain period in there characters life they would like to change a certain aspect like weapon styles then they should have that option.

  11. #11
    I got a good alternative. Allow people to change their IPs as they wish at any time. however there is a catch. You decide to decrease a skill you only get 2/3rds the IP back from it.
    Member of the "I tried SWG and I am still kicking myself for it" club

  12. #12
    better idea reset all players ip to the ip they should have for thier level and set thier skills to base, AND move all thier armor and weapons into thier bank and possibly implants too so all those clinic abusers ring dupers and people who raised skills without using ip get set even with the rest of us

  13. #13
    As much as some of my characters have been gimped by changes in the game, and even though i intend to fully make use of it, the ip wipe is stupid. You make a mistake, TOUGH. Lets take a real world example(or as close to it as i can get) lets say you buy an assault rifle, keeps the thieves away right? then 3 months later someone developes a brand new type of clothing that makes assault rifles useless. Do you think the guy that sold you the gun would give the money back?

    if you are so fed up with the mistakes that youve made along the way, reroll your character. If you are at a point where ip is tight(no room to fix mistakes) then you are likely at a point where its still fairly easy to reroll(imho below the 82 cap) your character.

  14. #14

    Yaaayaaaaa tough reroll etc...

    You know some people just don't HAVE THE TIME to reroll. I've been playing for 4 months and I'm only 60+.

    Learn from my mistakes and reroll, get items nerfed and reroll, get your char gimped and reroll... It's more like a chore than a game at this point... You know, some of you might have total free time playing on AO, but some others have a busy IRL. IP wipe for me; I want fun, and I certainly don't enjoy spending time rerolling. I did some rerolls only to reroll again and I'm sick of that.

    BTW I play adv COUGH waiting for some 'fixes being worked on etc.' At the end of this month my account will be freezed; I'll simply be looking at the posts and wait that classes (not only adv mind you) are fixed and balanced and that an IP wipe comes up. That will probably happen in a year and it is my true opinion Im not being sarcastic here. I'd say in 4 months with some luck adv's are fixed - (I pray that those fixes won't be minor ones such as making wolf morphs fit through doors) - and thats only adv fixes; I feel for the other classes, especially the fixers, and I'm not coming back until everyone's happy. Cya later - ahem... maybe.

  15. #15
    Originally posted by MikeWeather
    I'd rather see ip-reallocation once the professions are done being balanced, otherwise future nerfs or increases in power will spawn more posts like this one. So either sit tight and wait, reroll, or find another game. I wouldn't suggest another MMORPG though, all of them have this problem in some form.
    Oooo...careful what you wish for. So far it has taken mmorpg developers YEARS before they consider the classes in their games balanced. Then they all usually go and do something stupid, like add a new class or new ability, completely destroying all their prior work.

    Balancing a game like this it like trying to balance an egg on its tip. It can be done if you have the patience and time to invest into to it. But once it's done, nobody breath.

  16. #16
    How about letting you reshuffle your IPs at each title level? Gives you more incentive to get up there =)

  17. #17

    IP Reset

    I like Forth's idea alot.

    Anyhow, I too am one of those people who do not have the spare time or desire to re-roll. I am now a very proud lvl 135 and I prey every day for an IP reset. I love my character. I would rather leave than make a new one!(too much of life invested in him). I do not want to though :/ Too many friends, too much fun. Besides any game that draws my attention more than counterstrike has to be good =P


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