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Thread: Character Pigeonholes and Lame Items

  1. #1

    Post Character Pigeonholes and Lame Items

    First time poster, and 1 month player, but long history with these types of games, and paper'n'pencil RPGs. Here are my two bits.

    Having made a half-dozen characters, taken all to at least level 20, a few to 30, and one to 56, I'm convinced that what Funcom, or any other company pursuing a game of this sort, is a little variety. Allow me to explain..

    Put simply, I mean that there is only one way to make your character and still stand any sort of a chance in this game. Every NT is a carbon-copy of the next, excluding trivial stuff like pillows, leets, and garb/armor. They function precisely the same in combat at any given level, and to stray from that means you'll be worthless. Soldiers? Nova-Flow. It's just the best gun for them, and anything different (like my dual-pistol soldier) is a death sentence, because there is no room for being different, or cultivating a unique character (without sucking.) I need not talk about Fixers and the Mausser, but what else are they going to use? Dual-wield Kang Tao's? Ha. Half of the professions owe their lives to the Vektor ND. Hand to hand? Dual Rider Executioners, because there is only one best way, and that's a crock. Blunt? Beam or hammer. Hammer or beam.

    That's a really contrived revue, but I think you get my point. Instead of creating a variety of weapons that all have inherent values and benefits, FC has provided us with a linear tier system of weapons, and if you don't wanna run the market for that ONE certain kind that works, you can kiss yourself goodbye. And with professions that can only fight to advance, items become the centerpiece of a character's life. Why does this matter to me?

    Good question. It matters because I've been playing for a month, and I'm sick of it already. And that's playing through a number of professions, because they all lack depth (largely because the items lack depth), with one exception - The Meta-Physicist.

    I'm not sure if they used a different team for the MP, but I envy the amount of options someone has when playing one in terms of equipment and powers. Not to mention their great buffs for NP and Nano skills which, for some reason, an NT has no access to in any capacity. Summoned weapons, summoned shields, pets...what's not to love? I've never played one myself, because of how many there are. Clearly everyone else like the depth the MP brings to the table, I just wish it weren't such an anomaly in this game.

    There should be more options in the way of good weapons. There should be arenas of operation so that if you wanted to gravitate towards an agent who prefers quieter, easily-concealed, perhaps less damaging weapons, there'd be a place to do so. There isn't though. You have to run through Aegean on a mission, fight the same monsters as the next guy using a sub-standard weapon if you want to maintain any shred of pride in your uniqueness, and you'll die for your trouble.

    So this little post has taken a strange turn, but let me sum it up since it's gotten a little mucked up.

    1.) Items need to be looked at. Alter dmgs, attributes, range, speeds, benefits, etc. Make it so we're not required to be clones to live. That's no fun, ESPECIALLY in an RPG.

    2.) Look into the professions actually fulfilling job roles, instead of everyone really being an adventurer in the end, running dungeons, mossy caves, and the occasional city. FC is almost cheating themselves out of what uniqueness the professions do have, by making them all do the same thing.

    3.) This third one isn't part of my summary, but it's a point of interest. I haven't found a single person in this game that I've had a successful group outting with. Every time I try to go exp with other people, they turn out to be morons. I am speaking from a solo players PoV, because that's all I've ever done. Maybe there's some solace for someone like me, who wants to play a role, in a group, but I haven't found it yet. Take the rest of this msg for what it's worth, I'm sure everyone will disagree. I feel better now though, and I'm gonna go play some more AO.


    ********* EDIT *********

    I got up to grab soem water, and the truth occurred to me (convenient, eh?)'s not the game, it's the people playing. Gamers, not roleplayers. The stage is set for a load of variety, but not many people care much about that. If someone wants to just do max dmg, they can, but it's their choice. I just wish there were more people like myself who want to experience the richness of the world, not the wonder of the math behind it. Hit rolls, damage, dodge, blah. Of course, there still is an abundance of 100% silly, useless weapons in the game, but I guess that's part of what makes the other ones so good. Or something.
    Last edited by Jendryk; Jan 22nd, 2002 at 07:29:48.

  2. #2
    hehe, well gamers make up for about 80% of the people (that is probably a low #)

    When I come across someone role playing (rare btw) I role play, if I am grouped with a bunch of gamers, I game. My character has quite a bit of personality actually, but I do reference ooc a lot, so I guess im not a "hard core" role player by any means.

    I am a tank, tanking requires that I have agro, best way to get agro is damage, massive damage, but then that is part of my characters personality. Role playing does not have to be "thou hast offended me nave, prepair for battle!". My best example of how I role play is what I tell my teams, "Enforcer dies first, that is my rule and I live (and die) by it".

    It is a sci fi game, the old school role playing rules dont really work. I rarely talk about my other characters, if I say "My twink did <enter neat anticdote here>" then I am out of character. My twink by the way is a foul mouthed smack talking supertwink with all the best gear, that in itself in a technological society is role playing. Just like JR irl driving dads porche for status points. In actuallity I have to go OOC with my "twink" to let people know that he is a vilan, otherwise I end up on ignore (now tell me that THAT isnt anti rpg) hehe.
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  3. #3
    the last "role player" i grouped with almost got me killed. He doesnt believe in using nano's and had the default 8NCU's and no nanoformulas.... do the math and guess how long he was in the group after saying he didnt want help getting some.

    needless to say i have almost never walked away with a good feeling after grouping with someone who feels that roleplaying is a very important part of any game for the simple fact that they are either annoying or downright dangerous to be around most times. Half of them self gimp themselves in horrible ways or worse are just downright annoying and believe that everyone should bow down in fear of their uber powerful godlike nonexistant powers.

    personally though I find grouping to be very nice in AO and once you get past the newbie levels everyone pretty much knows how to work with others for the most part and doesnt do stupid things too often.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Tetra
    the last "role player" i grouped with almost got me killed. He doesnt believe in using nano's and had the default 8NCU's and no nanoformulas.... do the math and guess how long he was in the group after saying he didnt want help getting some.

    needless to say i have almost never walked away with a good feeling after grouping with someone who feels that roleplaying is a very important part of any game for the simple fact that they are either annoying or downright dangerous to be around most times. Half of them self gimp themselves in horrible ways or worse are just downright annoying and believe that everyone should bow down in fear of their uber powerful godlike nonexistant powers.

    personally though I find grouping to be very nice in AO and once you get past the newbie levels everyone pretty much knows how to work with others for the most part and doesnt do stupid things too often.

    aye, good teamwork is the best role playing of all, everyone knows their job, and nobody dies!
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


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