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Thread: Ideas for higher level content

  1. #1

    Ideas for higher level content

    Idea for higher level players.

    Make a new zone or convert an existing one. Now in this zone put a town or base. No save terminal and whompa out only back to civilization. So people can't camp out here......

    Make zone NO-FLY. Planes don't work. In order to get to town/base, you must run. The run should be long and hard but not impossible, and there should be hella high level mobs that chase you the whole way. Probably best to do this in small groups for best chance at survival. Think level 75-100 as minimum to attempt this passage.

    If you make it to base or town. This is primarily a team zone. No soloing. Have some new/unique mobs that drop rare or unique items. Random their location to complicate camping. Could be a static dungeon or series of them. Also what about some really interesting mobs like sand worms that need several groups to bring down.......yes I know lag may prevent this. Also could have some unique shops that sell items not found anywhere else on the planet and they cost millions of for IP/skill bonuses that are difficult but possible and the payoff makes them worth the attempt.

    Would this be so hard to code? Or even fun to ...........

  2. #2
    It isn't that it would be difficult to code, it is that they have everyone doing bug fixes. The game was put out 6 months early and they have been trying to play catch-up ever since. They thought they would have time after launch to backtrack and do those little things that hadn't been done yet (implement trade skills, put in a high level game, have a storyline, provide for a customer service system), but the incredible launch problems took everyone's time and so they have not been able to catch up and put out the game that was advertised.


  3. #3
    Now in this zone put a town or base. No save terminal and whompa out only back to civilization. So people can't camp out here......

    What's the point in putting in an outpost, town or base if there are no amenities? If this zone is so good that it's worth rising a long dangerous run, what is to stop people from camping out there?

    Planes don't work. In order to get to town/base, you must run. The run should be long and hard but not impossible

    Long and hard for what level or profession?
    Some professions have dark blue runspeed. My 104 meta has about 130 runspeed. I never had any reason to raise it past that...I fly (QW) wherever I go. Would I need to spend tens of thousands of IPs just to get to this area?
    A level 40 fixer would have a better chance running the zone than me.

    With so many variables, you can't make such a vague statement about difficulty.

    Think level 75-100 as minimum to attempt this passage

    Level does not determine runspeed.
    You could buff a level 30 with 800+ runspeed.
    What would stop them from making the run?

    This is primarily a team zone. No soloing.

    Forcing players to group is a bad thing.
    How can you enforce grouping anyway?

    Could be a static dungeon or series of them

    And what happens when soemone dies in one of these static dungeons? They have a long dangerous run back to join their group?
    By the way. How long would this run take?
    10 - 20 - 30 - 40 minutes?

    Also what about some really interesting mobs like sand worms

    I'm sorry but Sandworms aren't particulary interesting.
    They are pretty common in all med-high level desert zones.

    Also could have some unique shops that sell items not found anywhere else on the planet and they cost millions of credits........

    Any high level player will tell you that millions of credits is not a lot of money. Especialy when it comes to obtaining a good item. I have seen QL200 Novaflows sell for over 15 million.

    It sounds to me like you wan't AO to incorporate all the worst aspects of EQ.

    Why didn't ypu suggest a mandantory downtime of 45-60 minutes between killing these rare boss mobs?

  4. #4
    so what's your suggestions genius.........

    and most of the ideas are from AC not EQ even tho EQ sure has a helluva alot more for high level groups and guilds to do then then AO. Did you ever try any of the runs in AC, like the Aerelinthe Island quest, or running to certain Obsidian Plain dungeons. These were fun as hell and risky. If you can't save out there than you don't have people camping out there, but they can still get out there for a nite of hunting or shopping. So get run buffs and travel out in groups improving your chance of making it. What about a 600 runspeed as a minimum that's certainly do able for any class with buffs at high level. And no one is say force grouping for the whole game just certain dungeons or this zone. Plus you can still shop if you are solo. Yea a run back is part of it, it ain't supposed to be easy. Most people will probably give up since there are no corpse recoveries in this game who cares if you die? Ok sandworms was a bad choice........but something nasty.

    So what do we have now....Oh yeah lets do more missions out in Broken Shores......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....terribly exciting. But that's where I am seeing all the high level players right now

  5. #5
    a level 31 char with the right buffs can have 950 run speed, run speed is SO buffable (thanks trystar heheheheheh)

    *edit* people go to broken shores to powerlevel, if they dont want to powerlevel they can go anywhere else they want. It is their choice.
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


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