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Thread: TAG claims Clans innocent?

  1. #1

    TAG claims Clans innocent?

    So is this supposedly impartial magazine biased towards the Clans?

    I don't really think so. Or at least I would hope that the press on Rubi Ka are independant on alliances. But lately The Art Gallery has been promoting peace with a passion unseen for a news media.

    Everyone wants peace. I want peace too. The killings must stop.

    Each day people are getting killed over an idea. A political conviction that a child playing Lifebleeder with a sheet over his head trying to scare his parents doesn't know about. But when a bomb goes off and completely destroys the apartment complex he lives in, ignorance or indifference does not save him from the scorching heat and the flying debri.

    The declaration of war against terrorism by Philip Ross is backed by the Clans. But is this not a poorly hidden ploy to divert attention from the clans repeated attacks on OT territory? To make us forget about the yearlong terrorist assaults and rebellious attacks on Omni Employees and the towns they live in?

    Just because a murderer shows up doesn't pardon every thief in town. The clans have for a long time been deemed outlaws. And the dust brigade have had affiliations to the clans at an earlier period. The Council of Truth have shown support to many of their clans that have continuously neglected to uphold the Amnesty.

    Its been a free meal for the clanners and there have been no repercussions. Have we as OT personnel turned into Leets? Do we open our mouths and speak only when spoken to and let the world events pass us by?

    TAG has, albeit not personally, accused me of being a vicious warmonger. I see myself rather as a person that does not simply change my mind simply because the winds are in that direction.

    Omni Tek saved my life a long time ago, before I came to this planet. I have a debt to repay and I will go to extremes to repay it. But I will not be dictated by a Magazine thats hardly impartial and biased, nor will I let myself get dragged into the webs of deceit that Radiman and his council are spinning to catch us in.

    I urge all of Omni Tek to resist temptation of siding with the clans. They have stabbed us in the back before they will do it again.

    They will use the time we spend on fighting off this "Unknown" threat to infiltrate our ranks and watch us spend more and more of our resources. Then when the time is right and we are defenseless they will plant the knife. And this time it will hurt.

    Are you as Omni Tek ready to let the idyllic lake in rome end up polluted in the same way the rivers of Tir are? And are you willing to sit back and watch the buildings of the tradedistrict fall apart and end up Dirthovels like the helterskelter dwellings of Tir?

    Don't fall for their propaganda. The bombing of Ent was set into motion by the Council of Truth, only to give Radiman an entrance to show their "sympathies" for our losses.

    The people who died in the explosion are a small amount compared the ones that has died by the continouos attacks of the clanners and we have heard no word of apology from the CoT or Radiman.

    I urge TAG to prove me wrong. I wish they can, but I have lived with the Clans for too long to be dazzled by a single pressrelease. The words of Radiman are empty and unimportant when seen in the light of the people underneath him.

    And for the clansmen claiming that you do not answer to the CoT I have but one thing to say. You are a savage, a caveman from a long forgotten time when there was no rules, laws or order.

    If you think you are living according to Ethics and morale, which are be the only guidelines left for civilized people when they stray from a governing body, I wonder why you raise your gun on an innocent 9 year old neutral girl.

    If all you want was freedom then move to Borealis or Newland.

    They are free. Omni Tek does not kill them at will, they are not open game for us, we don't opress them. You choose to side with the Clans whose declared purpose is the bringing down of Omni Tek. You don't want to be free, you want to destroy us.

    Don't give me your propaganda. Its empty words. Your actions, or the actions of your friends and family speak louder and more convincing than your excuses and sympathies.
    Gontrokka 155 Enforcer
    When the going gets tough, the others start running!

    Captain Baxie Orbin 204 Trader
    - Baby, you look good enough to eat!

    Countezz 23 Adventurer
    - Who'd have thought a Steve Irwin wannabe could kick so much ass!

    "Baby, you look good enough to eat!"

  2. #2

    And this is why you are I are different

    I don't blame every omni tek employee for the crimes against humanity. I blame the administration.

    You say I should be neutral if I want freedom. You say I am a savage for not following a elitist ruling party. You try to pretend Omni Tek has no pollution. Well here's my response.

    I am not neutral because I am not going to waste away in apathy. I feel strongly about my freedom and will not sit idle.

    If the leadership dooes not listen to the followers, why should they have any followers.

    Go look at the residential section of omni ent.

  3. #3

    You are exactly the kind of person...

    ... that made me become a clanner.
    ... that I hate to find in the Clans too.
    ... that try to spin events to suit their goals
    ... that is so full of hatred or greed that cant understand the people that are not
    ... that will plunge us all into war because you cant see that NOT all the persons in the other side are monsters

    According to you we clanners are ALL murdering sociopaths that kill everything in our path. Well... I have yet to kill a neutral 9 year old girl. Or an adult Neutral guard fully armed. Or an Omni guard, now that I think of it. Now that I think of it, the only Omnis I have killed where deep inside Clan territory, in underground bases, plotting something against our cities or citizens. They are not only in our territory, but also attack me on sight, so I have to defend myself. Apart from those, I have found and talked to many reasonable Omnis, and shared visions of a common and peaceful future with them, and also worries... worries that bigots like you, like Portman, like the Dust Brigade or that crazy Omni Metaphysician with the pumpkins drags us to war.

    It would be a pity, a real pity, if I have to go to war and kill Omni citizens, die myself an unknown number of times, and watch Neutrals and Clanners die because you and people like you manage to convince them that ALL clanners are out to kill them. I'm doing all that is in my hand, with friends in both sides and with neutrals also, to stop that from happening.

    Steward of the Ranger Prime Breogan
    Clan Eye of the Nexus


    (OOC: For the role-playing impaired, the above are the opinions of my character, reacting to the opinions of his character. If we all played the same side or the same goals, this would be boring, so I'm happy to see warmonger characters in the game, gives mine a target to rant :-) Excelent post
    Last edited by Breogan; Jan 21st, 2002 at 17:27:38.

  4. #4

    Re: TAG claims Clans innocent?

    Originally posted by Baxie
    So is this supposedly impartial magazine biased towards the Clans?

    I thought that was pretty obvious when TAG decided to hammer me with prewritten questions during the "Questions from the crowd" event.

    Not to mention when TAG decided to try to frame us for killing Snarf.

    Snarf must have been in on that, our bounty on his head from what I heard last is nearing if not clearing 5 million credits.

    TAG is a clan biased org. I trust them about as far as I can throw Steve Sanfield.

  5. #5
    TAG is short for "The Art Gallery." They have been recently contacting Phillip and Henry for interviews, as well as gathering opinions on the street. But they are not actually an unbiased news source, but a source of editorials. Try not to mistake them as news.

  6. #6

    Re: TAG claims Clans innocent?

    Originally posted by Baxie

    Don't give me your propaganda. Its empty words. Your actions, or the actions of your friends and family speak louder and more convincing than your excuses and sympathies.
    You always amaze me Baxie. You STILL don't get the clans at all. Either that or you ARE purposely tilting things... But I like to think that you'd actually discuss politics in good faith. Said it before, I'll say it again, each clan is an independant entity. They're really only united in their opposition to omni tyranny (or just oppostition to omni in the case of people like Shadows). The council is NOT omni-admin, and wouldn't want to be. If you didn't notice we want to be free not chattel in some omni slum. Until you get what it means to be Clan, I'm afraid talking to you will be entertaining but not useful.

    On the other hand, most people that DO get it quit being Omni employees pretty darn quick.

    If I were like you, I'd start a thread saying how Omni Tek is so incredibly cruel for setting up Dust Brigade to discredit the clans, and then blame you personally for the innocents that died in Omni-E.

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