Once again, the Council of Truth will be in session, this time on Saturday July 31st at 18.00 RST ((6 PM GMT)).

The following three items have been set up for vote and discussion.

#1 Discussion: Billboards of Rubi-Ka issue. Vote of approval and possibly discussion of theme.

#2 Discussion: Should the Council equip CoT guards for the CoT tower area or is the security system we have now sufficient?

#3 Vote: Should the CoT offer verbal support for attacks on Omni mines in the northern sectors of Rubi-Ka?

If your Clan is not currently on the Council and you would like to be, please apply via the CoT gridsite at http://www.counciloftruth.org/ and send your two representatives to the meeting. Be prepared to declare your affiliation with one of the great Clans.

As a reminder, the Tower of Truth is closed to visitors when the Council is in session. Logs of the meeting are posted on the CoT gridsite for the general public to see.