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Thread: Question/Feedback About Vehicles

  1. #1

    Question/Feedback About Vehicles

    Well my question would be about the 10 second timer on vehicles.

    My understanding is that it was inserted so you couldnt use it to run from PvP. But then i wondered why that is, since you cant use it when you're under attack. Well maybe if you get it equiped the second u zone into the 25% or 0% area. But now that you have the 15 second grace, whats the point? I mean you still have 5 seconds to fly away (which is more then enough to get out of range of someone) and if ur being attacked it doesnt matter anyway, since "Target must not be in fight". Well im thinking its kind of useless now, and everyone hates the damn 10 second timer, its very anoying. So my feedback would be to remove it, and bring it back to how it was before, when i actually used my yalmaha .

  2. #2

    hope someone from funcom reads this

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