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Thread: guild houses?

  1. #1

    Question guild houses?

    hmm.. if Im all wrong with my words have some understanding.. im a newbie on the guild things.

    Have I understood it right that u may get some kind of guild house for ur guild? If thats true then how do u make em? I can hardly belive that FC would spend time on programing indivdual houses for the requesting guilds when they havnt fixed the bug with adv morphs (head popping out when changing zone)! SO what is the deal? are we supposed to sit in DOS (or some other program) and wrighting the scripts needed? Is there some speed course in making em? Or do they got some kind of house building program like in say The Sims? And how do we get the "blue prints" to FC? If we should wright the thing ourselfes it would be a heck of a long mail (if thats the way to get it to FC). And are u able to schose where to place it? Id not like to be a clan guild with an guild house in omni teritory!

    Just a couple of questions I hope someone will be able to answer.

  2. #2
    I don't think I would ever trust you to "wright" code for Funcom.

  3. #3
    heyI dont know what its called.. and my english aint to good... but I hope u did understand something of the question I asked...

  4. #4
    No guilds houses yet.

    When they come, they will most likely either be the same (or some choises) for all houses, or consist of predefined segments you can add together, just like with missions.

    Building your own house will probably not be an alternative.

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  5. #5
    I would venture a guess that Guild houses will work very similar to Apartments with the obvious exception that more then one person can enter them at a time. The Guild leader will probably be given a key and they can then dupe the key to give to guildmates. Also, like apartments, it will probably come unfurnished and it will up to the guild to furnish it how they like. The layout I doubt we will have any choice in.

    Also, if my guess is correct then I would also hope that if someone leaves the guild.. their key is autodeleted.

  6. #6
    ok.. my thought was that they like give the guild leaders an sort of house build program or something, like u get a couple of different walls and other stuff.. And then they will have some like alternatives for the aperance of the house in the rest of the "world". Ok for those who didnt understand that (I hardly do =P ) il put it in understandable words: They give us a prog with "build" parts that we assemble to a house and mail it to them or something.

  7. #7
    That'd be cool, but we won't get that.

    Right now, Funcom has no sign that they will get this done by summer of this year in ANY form... so who knows?

    I don't expect to see "good" guild house features until the end of this year... as you can tell, I don't have much trust in Fc's ability to produce fairly simple features in a timely manner.

  8. #8
    hehe I dont either have any trust in FC´s ability to fix bugs =P. Though I dont feel like I should start complain when I dont even know how to (wright or whats it called) any progs my self so... I just wanted to know if they might have something comming upp in the nearest future. It would help the RP aspect of AO alot. At least I think so...

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