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Thread: Changes in Appearance!

  1. #1

    Changes in Appearance!

    I was thinking that it would be rather interesting for roleplay situations if we were able to change our appearances in some way. Now, I can understand that perhaps we shouldn't be able to change our faces or our height (for facial changes could get confusing and height changes would require fairly strange technology, especially if one wanted to become shorter), but why not our weight? I personally think that it would be amusing to have your character gain weight over the holiday season, have a fat friend who finally won the battle with the bulge, have a very thin friend who decided to start working out, etc. Of course, changes such as these should take quite a while (eg you have to set it 2-3 or so months in advance, or you can only perform a weight change every 4 months, etc.).

    Anyway, just a change that I figured would be quite easy to implement (although I don't profess to be a programmer) that would also add a little bit of roleplaying to the game. Perhaps I shoud get more sleep? Nah, not possible...students aren't allowed to sleep enough to be healthy. (Note: This is where you're supposed to chuckle.)

    Having said this, I would also like to point out that I am not claiming that this sort of folly is any sort of priority, for I do realize that there are MANY more fixes that have utter presidence over a silly joviality such as the proposed idea (I am an adventurer [as in the screwed-up class] afterall ); however, I also realize that Funcom is always adding things, not just fixing things, and I think that this could be somewhat interesting. Just thought that I would try to calm all of you folks that might not be in very high spirits after dwelling upon the lost "uberity" of your class, for I am not, by any means, suggesting that things of real importance be ignored in order to implement silly notions. (Can you blame me for trying to ward off the licking flames?)

    But this is why I put this post in "envisioned." "I envision that I will be getting flames or accusations of mental illness and/or ******ism soon." Heh, hopefully not. Do any of you others have somewhat silly ideas that you wouldn't mind seeing implemented despite all of the other things that you wish to be fixed first and foremostly? If so, please post them! I think that it's good to get away from the game's problems for a while and daydream about rather-non-important-things that you wish your character could do. Perhaps something that you post will actually influence the way the game progresses. But I wouldn't hold my breath ...And now, I shall shut up. I'm sure you're all rather pleased about that.

  2. #2

    a fun one..

    I just have to up a fun(?) reply here..
    Go make yourself a fixer, you will then sometime in the future, in maybe 3-4 months, be able to have different looks while in grid..
    Teknolord, Rubi-Ka 1 fixer.

  3. #3


    Heh. That sounds about as fun as spending thousands of ip to morph into eye candy that can't fit through doors. Now that's fun at it's best, there.

  4. #4
    There is an agent nano, face graft, which allows you to switch face.

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  5. #5

  6. #6
    WGMelchior: "There is an agent nano, face graft, which allows you to switch face."

    Really? That's pretty cool it permanant? Really high level? Rare? I've never played an agent before...

  7. #7

    Level 65ish, I assume.

    And yes, it is permanent. To get your old face back, you have to use it a lot of times.

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  8. #8


    Can you cast it on others?
    That could then make the idea of plastic surgeon work in the game, if they just add a mashine that cast it for you.

  9. #9
    hmm no I had the crystal with my agent....but I never used it..think its self only....

  10. #10


    Well, a mashine that let us use it on our self would still be like a plastic surgeon in the game anyway, so we will probably never have it anyway.

  11. #11
    Real face surgery clinics in towns sooooon !
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

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