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Thread: Probs with a fixer nano in fp

  1. #1

    Probs with a fixer nano in fp

    Don't know if this is a bug or not but when i try to use the nano "Basic Insurance Hack" as a Agent in FP Fixer i get a message that says i need something like 700 nano to use it but when i look at the info on the nano it says it needs 301 nanopoints (plus 150 for FP) whcih equals to 451. I have more then that in nanopool but i still can't use it. Why?

    Can anyone suggest a better nano for a Agent in FP to HoT? Note: I can't use FP Doctor yet. I can use Fixer, soldier, ma, enforcer, engineer and adventurer. Afaik only docs and fixers have these HoT's. I don't want to use a Mp pet later on, unless i absolutely have to, is there a alterantive? Even if it's not excactly as effective as the MP heal pet.

    Now i usually cast Mongo Slam before i enter combat (PvM) wich is a great nano but the Fixer line of HoT's looks like they could be useful later on, unless there's some bug with the requierments to use those.

  2. #2
    Actually, that is not a bug. False Profression increases the cost of all nano programs.

    Basic Insurance Hack needs 301NP to execute. But, False Profression Fixer add +150% to the cost, or an extra 452NP.

    So it should cost you 301 + 452 = 753NP to execute the Basic Insurance Hack formula.

  3. #3
    Oh i thoght it added 150 nanocost, not 150%!!! Ouch!

    Oh well, Thanks for the help!

  4. #4
    Yes, the fixer HOT nanos are pretty much uncastable for most agents under False Profession, because the nano cost is too high. Unless you want to use a low level one which won't help you anyway.

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