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Thread: Come Celebrate with US!

  1. #1

    Come Celebrate with US!( The ~SoS~)

    They say it's your birthday
    It's my birthday too, yeah
    They say it's your birthday
    We're gonna have a good time
    I'm glad it's your birthday
    Happy birthday to you

    Come on
    Come on

    Yes we're going to a party party
    Yes we're going to a party party
    Yes we're going to a party party

    I would like you to dance (Birthday)
    Take a cha-cha-cha-chance (Birthday)
    I would like you to dance (Birthday)
    Dance yeah

    Come on

    I would like you to dance (Birthday)
    Take a cha-cha-cha-chance (Birthday)
    I would like you to dance (Birthday)
    Oh dance! Dance

    They say it's your birthday
    Well it's my birthday too, yeah
    They say it's your birthday
    We're gonna have a good time
    I'm glad it's your birthday
    Happy birthday to you

    *(Lennon/McCartney) The Beatles*

    So its a Birthday House Party!!

    Celebrating a birthday for the month of JULY...

    Lyda "Sharle" Callagher...July 7th ! Happy Birthday !...

    Selinye "Paelona" Junior...July 9th ! Happy Birthday !...

    Cindie "Looo" Whoo...July 17th ! Happy Birthday !...

    Uma "Crystaleis"...July 20th ! Happy Birthday !...

    Damon "Korejar" Thompon...July 28th ! Happy Birthday !...

    So we're gonna party...~SoS~ style to celebrate our Birthday People!!

    When,where,why? You ask...

    Its a *~*~*~BIRTHDAY PARTY..! ! !*~*~*~

    When: Saturday July 17th. 7pm [EDT]

    The brand NEW Penthouse of "Looo" Located in Jobe Harbor

    Music will be provided by , none other then GSP
    But not only one DJ for this event but TWO!!!!..
    DJ's Nexeus and Veldron will duel DJ this party!

    Of course drinks will be served as well as snacks and no birthday party is complete without some ~{]| Birthday Cake |[}~

    So come out and celebrate!...
    Dress classy , dress casual...heck you can even wear your ~BIRTHDAY suit~

    So give "Looo" a call on her comm that day, show up in Jobe Harbor *make sure you wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY !* and come party with us!
    Last edited by Gwen; Jul 8th, 2004 at 18:46:32.

  2. #2
    Just wanted to remind everyone.

    This is an Open invitation...

    the party is Next Saturday (17th)

    Don't forget....

    See you there!

  3. #3
    Black put on his shades and waited till his eyes stopped bleeding before reading the post.

    "Hm.. Maybe"
    Malcom "Chamaelo" Ashwell - Ex-Immortal.
    Vanguard Adriaan "Demongun" Blackwind - Hermit.
    Jawquez "Jawalooc" Loocazt - Bounty Hunter.
    Michael "Mirkle" Kreble - Creep.
    Christopher "Xelger" Junior - Coffee Maker.

    Child Of The Omni - The Boy With The Kitten - Sleepless - The Storm/Breathe - Terminal

    "You've just got to keep writing, if that's what makes you happy,
    even when there is no indication anyone is actually reading your work." - Savoy


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