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Thread: Possible wrangler solution for patch

  1. #21

    I feel I have to post here....

    Since I'm a general in AIL, and a RL friend of Phelsior(who made the initial post.)

    I know we don't agree on this, and hopefully you won't hate me for this. :-)

    The only reason I'm against this change is that it's complex, and requires a massive rebalance of PvP and PvM. Which I don't think funcom will be able to tackle now.

    Being in a guild helps a lot, especially one where equipment is handed down, and buffs given for free. I play in a different time zone that most the guys in our guild and I've noticed the price you have to pay to get buffed or anything done is insane. Which gives us guildies a better advantage.

    And again, it seems to me that how you play your toon is a lot more important than anything else. Unless I've been misinformed by all the posts by the so called selfbuff only purists.

    Will there ever be a solution to this? NO... It will never happen. There will always be people that whine about not being uber in PvP or PvM.
    Atrocious - taking ugly to the next level.

    Atrocious - Atrox Enforcer - Member of Ancarim Iron Legion
    Aniana - Solitus Engineer(Uber gimp) - Applicant of Ancarim Iron Legion
    Plasmatiq - Solitus Soldier

    Plus countless other alts I play with once in a while.

  2. #22


    This is a really tough issue to deal with if you think about it. Let me ask a question, all you over-equipers out there (myself somewhat included) what are you going to do when your lev 120 char allready is weilding all qty200 stuff?? What happens then? You got the best stuff in game and 80lev to go?

    This is one of the delemas facing funcom, cause I'll tell you right now when a majority of char start hitting those levels there going to ***** to high heaven that they can't survive and the game sucks and is totally boring.

    Everyone pretty much got the facts straight, mobs are too hard and overequipping IS neccessary to survive, and over-equipping is going to kill high level play. What do you do about it then? Some suggestions here say fix the other classes and I am cool with that, but what are they going to do when I max out my attack and defense capability way before the level cap and I can't solo anything that will give me exp? Some say nerf the overequippers and everyone will have to deal with it? Well with the current state of difficulty of the mobs no one, low to high would be in good shape on a solo mission.

    Whats the answer?

    Option 1 as was stated by another is to nerf the mobs and impliment the overequip rule. Well I don't know about you guys but from past experience I am not confident that FC will be able to pull these changes off without a major debacle that I for one am not willing to endure. And you can see allready the major balence issues that will come from it and how long it will take FC to fix them.

    Option 2 no overequip nerf and continue on the beaten path. Hey Im fine with this route but I will gaurentee you that as soon as I have maxed my char (not lev cap but gear and nano cap) I will be gone as what will be left for my enjoyment? Where will the drive to play come from if there is no where for my char to go?

    If you look at the issue like that it is very tough and I for one am willing to admit that I don't have an answer. A lot of the the postings talk about this or that specific thing (prof, nano, gun skill) but what happens when we look at the big picture? This is and ugly problem.

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