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Thread: Mobs in missions...

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Mobs in missions...

    I haven't blitzed any missions for a while but when I started doing it again today, damn it's insane now.

    Once I'm attacked by a mob it will always be right behind me. I can jump over water, take many sharp turns, go from room to room at full speed...

    The train of mobs will always be right behind me.

    Mobs no longer seem to need their legs, for they teleport everywhere they want to go instantly. They do not swim across water when chasing you, they teleport across it. They will even teleport through several walls to keep up with you.

    Now I'm not slow, with my fixer friend who regularly buffs me up for mission blitzing I have around 1k runspeed. This makes no difference at all now.

    I sustain heavy damage and a constant string of hits as I run through the mission.

    It's so unrealistic having mobs doing this, so either change this, or let my pet do the same thing!

    Plus can we players have the ability to fire whilst moving? Or was that just an extra skill given to mobs...?
    Taldrin | Titanioc | Teiral

    I discovered the portal to another dimension!

    I am a Gauntlet Adventurer.

    I strive to improve my living conditions by hoarding gold, food, and sometimes keys and potions. I love adventure, fighting, and particularly winning - especially when there's a prize at stake. I occasionally get lost inside buildings and can't find the exit. I need food badly.

    Who are you? -

  2. #2
    oh you forgot how 10 mobs agro through the walls when the first 3 in the main room attack you.

  3. #3

    Game balancing?

    All game developers agree that this is the most difficult part of game design, and it seems it must be the case judging by how badly they all seem to be at it. They go at it like lobbing mortar shells, deliberatly overshooting and undershooting and hoping the right answer will show itself somewhere in between. I'm not aware of this strategy having actually ever worked. The point is, having every MOB in a mission see you thru any number of walls, and teleport right to your location for 5 to 1 gang bang is not a desirable expenditure of one's leisure time. FIX IT BACK THE WAY IT WAS YESTERDAY ,ferkrisakes.

  4. #4


    I have -no- idea where in the hell you people are playing, but I never, ever, have any problems with mobs attacking me through walls.

    What I -have- noticed is that if I'm fighting a mob near a door - which causes it then to be open and stay open - and another mob comes by, it will join in. This can escelate infinitely; if someone else sees you fighting, they'll join in.

    So.. unless you guys are having bad luck, or poor strategies, I can't see how this is happening to you. And I find it far more realistic to see mobs chase after you - and call their friends on in the chase - than to see you "lose" them, sit, heal, run back and pummel them some more.

  5. #5

    Mob Gangs

    LRRH, I'm thinking perhaps it has to do with the level of character that you have. I have none of these problems either, when I play a lower level character. But I played my level 80 MA all day today with Tarrak, and what he says is true. These problems just started with us only today, so I am clueless as to the reason, unless there are problems after certain levels. Mission after mission, we would enter the first room, see no more than 3 mobs, start fighting, and end up with 6 or more out of nowhere! Can't tell you how many times I ended up at the reclaim center today, and that is something that usually doesn't happen to me very often!

  6. #6
    This truly must have something to do with your level.
    I'm level25 and, as far as i know, I can I can still attrack Mob's from the main room without having everybody on me.

    This is a chance because otherwise, I will never be able to do a mission.


  7. #7
    LRRH this has always been a problem just at varying degrees its currently at one of its worst. the best it ever was was in beta when every mob stood in its room and waited for you to come in heh those were the days..

  8. #8

    Level 89, this mob add is a big problem

    I am in the process of doing a mission, and I'm pretty pissed off.

    3 mobs, from 2 *different* rooms added to the 2 I was already fighting. I was not near a door. I did not have line of sight to the other mobs at all. My pets were in the middle of the "current" room fighting two monsters.

    So now I have 5 monsters in the same room. Well, I lost 2 hours of work and my patience.

    On top of it, when I come back to finish the mission, monsters that die on green slime DON'T GIVE XPs!

    So not only do I lose 200,000 xps and 2 hours of work, the next 4 mobs I kill didn't give me anything either.



  9. #9


    This seems more common in those Cave missions. Getting around them sometimes is a real pain in the butt. Especially with those broken bridges in the rooms without water, or fallen down pillars and beams. It looks cool, but somethings you can walk through, somethings you can't.

    It would be cool if cave missions were changed, to a smoothed wall cave like place, kind of like an AC dungeon, that meandered about like a real cave. That would be better than a huge square room with doors on every side that don't make sense as to their location. We need long hallways, and monsters at intersections.

    In the 'office' or 'warehouse' type missions, I have no problems with mobs in walls or getting through it.

  10. #10
    I will tell you what I THINK this is.

    MOB visual accuity has been hightened and they are no longer limited in scope to one single room.

    If you attack mobs in the opening room there are other wandering MOBS that are in other rooms that respond to your attack as well because they are general spawn MOBS to the main big room. Others that aggro are from the edge of doors that are open and can "see" your attack on the main room mobs.

    My game-play fix:

    DONT ATTACK THE MOB. I edge my way into the main chamber. I let one of them see me and aggro on me and I try like hell not to attack and hit him until I get him into the opening small room that you spawn into the mission in. If he gets caught on a door, I zone out and come back in. Then if he's not already in the room walking around I try again, and it generally works. You need to get them out of the main room. Fighting in that room for some reason is a trouble magnet for any mob in adjoining rooms.

    My two creds - do with it what you will.
    "NT's can't over equip armor beyond implants and general buffs (no insane Intelligence or Psychic buffs) and can't overequip weapons since they use direct-damage, damage-over-time and nanoformula methods that require your actually stats and buffs to be active for you to use them. Don't complain about us being powerful when you obviously haven't even played one past level 100. NT's - the original red-headed stepchild of Anarchy Online." - Zaal

  11. #11

    Unhappy gang bang

    I never had the problem with extra mobs from side rooms joining in untill I got above lvl 45. Now mobs from at least two if not three side rooms join in the fight, giving me 5 or 6 mobs to try to kill.

    Also I haven't done a cave mission in a long while.

    Edit: Zaal's method of letting them agro before attacking does wonders no mater where you are. You just don't get the first shot off. I like to let one aggro, then lead it to a "safe" place to kill it.
    Last edited by Claybats; Jan 4th, 2002 at 21:58:24.
    -Omnitek is your fiend
    Claybats the Sane
    Idahoe | Kalderon | Claybats | Meyna

  12. #12

    Yeah it does! U just gotta get out of line of sight with them and they will run to you.

  13. #13
    The explanation is simple, but not readily so in your first post.

    Playing a mission alone will leave you with quite normal mob behaviour, 1on1's with the occasional add from the close rooms - on sight only.

    The problem presents iteself when you bring along a friend or more in these missions. Not knowing the exact game mechanics, I can say for certainty that every additional player in a mission will seriously enhance mob aggro levels. 2 players doing a mission will more often than not pull in additional mobs from adjecent rooms, wether they can see any of you or not. This is quite easy to test - go to a starting hall by yourself and you're guaranteed to get only the 3 mob aggro (unless anyone else sees you), and then try this with a friend - expect 2-3 adds right away from the nearby rooms.

    At first I believed this to be proffesion spesific (ie, what's wrong with that bloody NT? He aggroes everything! =), but it quickly turned out to be the same scenario whatever companion I brought along for the tougher missions.

    It is possible to control the aggro though, just takes a lot more planning, pulling from up to 2-3 rooms away. Wether it's a bug can be argued over though; bringing a friend to help out should make things a little harder as mobs will be more suspect to notice all your noise. Of course, that is a balance issue, and we know how good FC is at nailing those right on the head =)

    Ellusion / Snowfish

  14. #14
    A few issues here, I know. I've passed this thread onto PQA so its definately been looked into. Please do make sure you send in a bug report about this too, as the more information we get, the faster this gets fixed. And that's what we want, I'm sure.
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