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Thread: Cluster shopping

  1. #1

    Cluster shopping

    I hope that shopping clusters for implants will be made easier in the future. I find it extremely tedious to scroll through the lists of nano clusters over and over again trying to remember what goes where and what skill they affect.

    Here's a few suggestions:

    1) Add a QL-FILTER to the shopping panel. Let us specify the min and max QL, and let only items within that range be displayed.

    2) Make different nano cluster icons. Put a miniature chest icon inside the nano cluster icon if that is where the nano goes.

    3) Let it be easier to understand what requirements a completed implant will have. I hate to spend all my credits on making a good implant, only to discover that I lack the skills to use it. If nothing else, make some books that explain how to find out.

    Well, I hope someone agrees with me... (That QL-filter was a good idea though wasn't it..? should be in every shop.. hmmm..)

  2. #2
    while i agree

    at least now it seems there separated by faded, bright and shining!!

    that's a good step in the right direction, and seems they should all be there now, no? or are some still missing?

    I hate having to go from shop to shop to shop to find one cluster! Having it EXIST at least in each shop should be a nice step also <-- havent checked it may be that is the case now.

    and to all those who say, "but that's half the fun!" grrr, you probably also like to tag along w/ your girlfriend at the mall when she goes shopping, but really doesnt "know what to wear"

  3. #3

    eh I disagree

    Cluster shopping is fairly easy now. Much better than it was. Funcom has bigger things to fix, lets not distract them w/ acceptable problems.

  4. #4
    Making it easier than this would be retarded. Want them to include a webshop at your favorite login site and door to door delivery?

    Rk1 :: Abasin :: lvl 72 clan nt
    Rk2 :: Illuvatar :: lvl 154 omni nt

  5. #5
    Why should it not be easier? Different icons would be a good start. Why would that NOT be a good change?

    I could run in windowed mode with nanonanny, but that should be an option, not a necessity.
    Last edited by Banjosammy; Jan 6th, 2002 at 14:37:43.

  6. #6
    If you plan it out on nano nanny before hand, its a doddle. Don't make it easier. It comes as a welcome break to scour Rubi-ka for the right cluster. And at least it doesn't take anywhere near as long as it did before the trade skills shop.
    Serofina - Currently in the process of revival after a nasty incident with some uber leets. We're still looking for her head...

    Teebo - Voted the most stylish person ever to grace Rubi-ka in a recent poll, organised by himself.

    Official starter of the hugely succesful Blackmarket Thread!

  7. #7
    I'm not saying that the process couldn't be improved. But I would be extremely annoyed with FC for doing work on moderate problems why the game is still bugged and a fourth of the professions are utterly gimped.

  8. #8
    Cluster shopping is much, much better than it used to be. Used to be, you had to spend hours and hours and days and days going from store to store to store searching for clusters. The stores only seemed to respawn them once a day or something, so once you checked them all, that was it.

    And many of the clusters simply didn't exist at all in the stores.

    The current situation is so much better

  9. #9
    Get nanonanny. It is a really useful tool.
    Works out everything you want to know. Input what skills you want raising, and ql and important stats to you. Click build and presto!!

    You have a list of reqs and clusters ready for you. It even suggests clusters to add to implants to change the ability required to equip it. So you don't want that implant to use psychic, ok no prob bang this cluser in and it will use say agi for example.

    Then just print off a shopping list and off you go.
    Worked out how to use it last night and already have most of my clusters bought.

    Thank gd for Nanonanny!! I was thinking till last night I could not upgrade certain implants due to the abilities some of them used.
    It has made my life ALOT easier.
    a big THANKS to whoever wrote that app.

    lvl71 ma
    Ragnarok Inc. (RK1)

  10. #10
    Where do we get it?
    ChibiKawai - The KAYOOTEST Level 40 NT ever.


  11. #11
    Under the old setup, I had a hellish time, over a month looking at 200+ kiosks for my LQ70 set. Tonight I got everyhting I needed in one easy romp through Trade.

    Thank you for fixing cluster shopping!

    Nano Nanny
    Last edited by TugBoat; Jan 9th, 2002 at 06:16:19.

  12. #12
    Well, now all clusters are in, sorted after which slot they go in.

    Just get nano nanny, and compile a list of what you want. Sort it after first slot, then name of the cluster. Even lists requirements. 100% accurate too.

    Go to the faded booth, scroll to the first cluster and check QL, scroll to the next one...

    Same with all other booths.

    Piece of cake! Kind of ironic someone else made a program that works better than the game though.

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  13. #13

    Talking OH MY GOD!!!

    Last night I researched, purchased, and had built, a FULL SET of QL 90 implants in about two hours!!!!!!!!

    The new trade shops are just so much easier than the old way that I cant bring myself to ask for sorting icons or whatever. In fact Im so happy at how easy it was that I dont even want fixers fixed anymore.......wait a minute, yup thats over, I want em fixed again

    Before the shops I would of spent weeks looking for the parts, possibly driving myself insane, and certainly losing any sense of reality.


    PS I spose if you never had to build implants before the trade departments you might not have much of an appreciation for this post. Its alright tho, I wouldnt want anyone to go through the pain of old implant shopping *shudder*

  14. #14
    I'm really glad to hear you all like the new tradeskill shops. Alot of work (and shopping ) was put into it, and its good to see it paying off.

    That being said, I've passed the suggestions onto the designers. With the tradeskill shops recently being improved I'm unsure of the priority of more improvements but still, it's good to have the suggestions there. Thanks.
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