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Thread: WANTED: Reputation Points

  1. #1

    Lightbulb WANTED: Reputation Points

    I just found out a possible good solution to many things in AO.
    Reputation Points.
    Isnt there times when you stay at one spot looking for a group or camping Trade Chan and get realy irritated because some lvl 120 MP have to find out if his pets can kill the 3 guards over and over again ?
    Isnt there time you would like to know whos famous and whos just trying to impersonate ?

    well I just tought of thing that are in most other RPGs .. Reputation Points, it would fitt the game like a hand in a glove.

    here is how it could work..

    A player start out with generaly 10 points in his reputation pot this is to ensure some screw ups can go buy with out geting the status as a villain.

    saying a Omni player kills a Omni Guard, 2 points are subtracted from his RP (RP = Reputation Pot) leaving him with 8.
    Now he continues to kill 4 more guards and his RP is reduced to 0. now next time he enters a Omni controlled city the guard will take notice tell him not to make anymore trouble.
    This person finds that funny and decides to kill the guard again a few times, so his RP is now reduced to -10
    Next time he enters a Omni controlled city the guards notice that this person a villain and decides to shoot at him before he can even react and kills him, giving him a free trip to the resurection booth. now this person gets mad and decides to buy a few Health stims and kill some guards again so he decides to go shopping .. but the shops notice that he is still a villain and denies him to shop for supplies leaving him with nothing but other players to shop with (if they choose to do so).
    After some time, being an constant attacked outcast isnt much fun so he decides to visit a clan city to try his luck there, but as an outcast he hasnt yet recived the news that a war has started and gets imidiatly shot at by the Clan guards.
    Now he manage to kill those guards, but while doing that he restores his RP by 4 points leaving him with a RP of -6, the reason for the sudden pluss points is that he are now doing Omni-Tek a favor and herby gets credit for that.
    He decide to take up the fight against some more Clan guards weakning their defence at one of the gates .. after a long and bloody battle he has killed over 10 guards giving him a RP of +14.
    He now returns to a omni city for restocking and the guards notice that he has turned 'good' again and decides not to shoot him.
    Later on in the war the player has done many brave things for Omni-Tek and even fought a few large battles where a GM gave him a few extra Reputation Points for his good Role playing during the fight and in the post events.
    So the next time he enters a Omni city with his whoping RP of +120 the guards shout out "All Welcome Player a brave fighter" (or something similar) making the other players aware that there is a famous player around (or atleats a player that has participated for a time in the game) giving him recognition without necessarily being involved with PvP (another way of getting a "title")

    Now as for killing neutral guards, you would always get penalties to your RP for killing their guards .. they are neutral and their guards arent supposed to take side, hence you aint making anything but trouble.

    Also it coud be made so that you earn a reputation points for evry token you have collected, alltho this could get a bit unfair seeing lots of lvl 6 players are toking farming at the moment.

    But the basic with the concept is if you do anything bad for your alignment may it be Clan, OT or Neutral you will get punnished for it, do good and get recognition.
    This would also let people get titles or recognition if you want without engaging in PvP .. not evryone enjoys PvP and they wont get a title either then, they miss out on that part, but could gain on this.

    There are lots of aspect with this that you can expand it with, I got some more ideas to add to it, but I'll see what the general gathering of people at this message board thinks first.

  2. #2
    They should just finish implementing a faction system so Mr. Omni Soldier does not have the option to attack Omni or Neutral guards and NPC's.

    Otherwise, I'd just have any Omni that kills an Omni-Faction NPC or MOB instantly change to Clan and have his/her token board revoked. Same for the other sides.

  3. #3


    You got some interesting suggestions there Lumin. Rep points could really work, but there are more pressing matters at hand that need to be dealt with first.

    Im not sure i like the idea of the guards shouting out whos famous and whos got a bed rep though. It would lead to hopeless spamming. Today when im in trade i get spammed with guards telling visiting clanners about the opportunities of the amnesty.

    Oh, and Bionitrous, i agree that a working faction system should have higher priority. However i DONT agree with your suggestion to get a token board wipe and changed to the other faction if you kill one of you own faction. Accidents can happen, and loosing a 1000 board over an accident leads people to the cancel button really quick.

    - Khayne

  4. #4
    Sarcasm doesn't come over too well on a message board without the emote, does it? I'm sorry if anyone thought I was serious about that.

  5. #5
    I'm rather curious as to how you accidentally kill a guard, I guess. Leave a banana peel lying around, or what?
    Obligatory character links:
    Cyrboc, Jobian cyborg on lease to OmniPol (R-K 1)
    Evely, aqua knight! (R-K 2)

  6. #6
    hehe your right guard spam could be a bit annoying, but atleast you could T the player and see. or perhaps on only players with a high RP the guards would say something.

    This could also be implemented into certain creatures .. so that after killing that uber big GM rollerrat you would actually get something back from it beside a GM being pissed at you for beating his mob

    If they have plans on fixing the faction system that would also do the part for the guards, but with this system you could actually see whoms doing something for their alignment and whos not.
    Cause there are many 'badguys' and 'trouble makers' out there that go free around without any notice.

  7. #7
    And killing a neutral gives you -10
    Good ideas.

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