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Thread: Dust busting

  1. #1

    Dust busting

    "Raven 2 this is raven leader, in position"

    "Copy that raven leader, team 2 is moving up the stairwell now"

    The man nodded to himself, pressing a button on the side of his omni-pol elite helmet and tuned to a different com channel. "You sure this is the place?" he spoke into the com channel and waited for a response, tuning the light amplification on and staring down the hallway of the omni 1 apartment complex.

    "Yeah, this is it..." a tall, slender opifex told him into the com. The opifex adorned himself in the typical internops coat, and that made passing civilians a bit nervous. His SMG's were neatly tucked behind him, and he waited in the entrance way to the building across the street, staring up at the tall apartment complex.

    "Copy that, ravens nest hows the situation?" The elite officer spoke into his com as he squatted down and gave the hand signal for his squad to prepare.

    "Ehh..." The woman started, sitting her way comfortably in the apartment across the way, staring down about five stories out of her window to the target apartment below and across the street. She tinkered with some devices a moment and the screen on her wrist computer began to light up in green letters.


    Anylizing data...

    Schematics O.K. ...

    Obtaining building records...

    "Cmon..." she said to herself as the download began, knowing the team across the street was nervously awaiting the results of her hack.

    ... Records obtained

    Awaiting input...

    "Gotcha, copy that raven leader, its a go. When the lights go out you can start the show." She said as the droid beside her babbled off in some techno speak and anylized the situation. It relayed her messages securely and she prepared her fingers, typing in the last commands to shut off the power and she watched as the fifth floor of the building across the street went completely black.

    Then the real show began. Two teams marched through the complex, one storming down the stairs and kicking in the west doors of the apartment as the other burst their way through the south door. The three men inside surged with energy, one flashing his smgs and opening fire only to tilt his head to the side as the window beside him shattered completely. Two high powered sniper bullets rang through the window, pelting him in the arm and the back of his thigh and he dropped to the ground.

    One man grabbed a shotgun and the other a powerful nova flow blaster. They opened fire as the two teams of three kneeled down and opened up fire with their special issue division 9 plasma rifles. The crossfire immediately took down the shotgun weilding foe, only to allow the other a chance to score off a hit into one of the intruders.

    The plasma bolt hit the omni-pol armor directly in the chest, but it only seemed to knock the agent on his back. The crossfire combined and crossed right in front of him, scoring several hits on their foe before his nova flow finally fell down to the ground and he dropped to the ground along with it, gone.

    The room seemed to light up a moment as their targeting lasers from the rifles scanned over the room, and the soldiers walked up to the wounded man, laying by the window.

    "Move, and theres no reclaim terminal on this whole damn planet that can save you." Raven leader spoke to the man as the laser crossed down right in the middle of his two eyes. The helmets vision creased and the bright red lights from its vision enhancement system glowed in the darkness.

    "What chu want omni scum..." the man said in a raspy and tired voice, nearly defeated.

    "Im here to kill you...i might be nice if you tell me what you know about the dust brigade." the man said, grinning under his mask.

    "****, you kiddin? theyd kill me... you know dat" the man said, arching back a bit in severe pain. His body began to shiver a bit in shock.

    "You dont tell me what i want to know, ill kill you..." the other man said, shoving the div-9 into his chin.

    [Meanwhile downstairs]

    The fixer tucked himself into the cloak hood around his internops outfit and stared across the street, quietly. The gunfire wasnt heard at this distance, thanks to Aevias sound supression technology. But he looked at something else instead.

    Across the street four men made their way from a kodiak that was parked in the corner of the street, locking in the clips to their weapons and pulling hoods over their heads as they waited for the doors to slide open and made their way into the apartment building. At this point it was obvious 'someone' knew what was going on, and they didnt like it much...

    "ah...boss... you got company. I count 4, moving up at a steady pace. Im guessing ETA 2.5 minutes tops. " the man spoke into the com and opened up his wrist com, typing in some estimates and running the numbers for an escape vector.

    "Acknowledged, you know what to do..." the cold officers voice spoke over the com.

    "Aye sir, will do... " he said, soon switching to another com channel and speaking two simple words into the com "...Call it" before taking off down the street to the whom-pah.

    [Meanwhile, upstairs]

    The four men spotted storming into the building quickly turned into 8, and from each door in the cramped apartment stormed a series of 4 men dressed in enviromental masks and thin padded armors. Their weapons charged up and they aimed around the room, hoping to find a fist full of omni equipped soldiers to fire at. But instead they found two bodies upon the floor, scarred from plasma bolts and an arrow on the wall pointing to the roof.

    For a moment it seemd as if it was a dream, the strange new intruders readied their arms and aimed up, looking to the roof where a gigantic smiley face was drawn in spray paint, along with the bold letters spelling out "HAVE A NICE DAY!"

    The 8 strange soldiers looked around and blinked at each other for a second before they felt the power surge bring the power back online. The doors immediately slid shut and locked behind them and they rushed to them, pulling on the doors in hopes to open them quickly. They then stopped what they were doing to hear the hymn of some incoming vehicle outside, and slowly they turned to the large glass windows overlooking the city streets.

    Before them stood a large black painted omni gunship, hovering in front of the window with big red teeth painted on the front of the curved cockpit area. Seconds later the fierce laser cannons opened fire and the windows were mauled by the continuous fire of several powerful laser shots. All 8 men quickly dropped to the ground, and the furniture was blasted by shot after shot, soon pelting its way through the walls as well. Then the gunship floated up into the air and took off into the distance, not being seen or heard save for a few brief seconds of fire that startled every citizen nearby. Leaving behind only bodies, bullet holes, and questions that the authorities would soon have to answer for...

    (To be continued...)

  2. #2
    (ooc - wow... thanks for all the good words on my last story! I appreciate the feedback pms )

    City of Omni 1 - 3:04 a.m.

    Phillip ross stared coldly from over his desk at the other three gentlemen waiting patiently for his orders, and his words. He took a slight sip of coffee and spoke up in a cool, refined manner.

    "Do you know why your here?..." he asked with eyes that cut deep into their thoughts and soul. Then slowly lifted his cup of coffee and sipped on it once more before setting it down on to the ground.

    "...Yes sir" One man answered with a defeated nod.

    Phillip ross then turned to the television displays behind him and pressed a button on his remote. On command the screens flashed with scenes from seventeen well known scenes over the last week. Each of which was tied to the dust brigade, and a seemingly disaffiliated militant group determined to bring them down.

    "Seventeen incidents... Bombings, Assasinations, Raids, ... Even artillery barrages." He bit at the last words, narrowing his eyes and turning back to the others.

    "We know their enemy... now who are they? One of yours?" He said, pointedly. His eyes turning to the slender human in the internops uniform.

    The man shook his head in response and silently stared back, the atmosphere of the room seemed to grow more cold and stale the longer they stood there.

    He then stared over to another man, dressed in the casual black uniform and adorning a silver crested omni-pol insignia on the chest. "Are they one of yours then?"

    "No sir, no one here knows anything about them..." the man answered regretfully.

    Ross' attention then turned slowly to the last of the three. A tall blonde woman in a red Omni-tek AF cloak. Her blue eyes seemed to quiver a bit as he leaned forward and said almost too silently. "And what about you..."

    "No sir, not one of ours. No one in omn-" she began but was quickly silenced by a wave of his hand.

    "If you want your jobs, youll find out whos been causing this trouble... I want information, and I want it now." He said dismissively. Then he pressed a panel under his desk, the doors opening and two red clad armored soldiers stepped out to either side. The room quickly cleared out, and ross turned to stare out the window, looking outwards beyond the various cities and outposts.

    "Who are you..." he asked himself, sounding almost cryptic. He then took another sip of his morning coffee and stared out over the darkened land, shaking his head in thought.

    (To be continued...)
    Last edited by Krayve; Jun 25th, 2004 at 21:00:04.

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