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Thread: How about a broken tradeskill list?

  1. #1

    How about a broken tradeskill list?

    I was just wondering, if we shouldn't have an list over trade skills which actually works at current time, and an list over those which is broken. Im personally tired of buying parts and manuals, and then after a couple of steps (when im lucky) gets an "Wrong Order" or something like that.

    So, anyone who has SUCCEED in making an item/weapon, please post it here, or redirect to another place where you can see what works and what doesnt. So we don't have to search the forum each time we find something new to work out.

    Oh yeah, almost forgot, some times in a mission, the NPCs gets stucked into a wall, but can still shoot and hit me, but I can't target or shoot the NPC, because I can't 'see' them. Bummer...always have to leave the mission area before they get unstucked.

    Jack "McGreed" McReed, Fixer
    Member of Rage-Driven Pacifists
    "If life is just a dream, no wonder I keep drinking coffee..."

  2. #2
    There are a few threads about broken and working weapons in the Engineer forum, but not all i'm afraid. what Funcom needs to do is get a team of 3 QAs and tell each to build his 1/3 of weapons and check which are working and which are not. I'm slowly tired of getting this done myself, because it wastes my cash not to mention time. QAs can summon items they need (they often complain that the database is huge and takes time to bring up, yadda, yadda...) so they can do it much faster without any cash loss (duh!) not to mention gettin paid.

    for the 2nd part about NPCs being stuck and such stuff...check this thread

  3. #3
    So many of the weapons are broken its hardly worth trying anymore. I can never build anything. They need some serious QA work on the weapon trade skill. Failed like the last 8 different weapons I've tried now due to them being broken.

    I'm a level 123 trader and I'm quite aware of how the trade skills work. I do several other trade skills with no problem. All the items are higher QL than the kit as required and most often I reach a step where I add the item and no combination takes place, there's no error or failure message, and I still have the two items I tried to combine.

    I've been waiting for ages for this trade to be useful. At lower levels building weapons worked, but they were all useless compared to what stores sell. Now I've finally reached a high enough level that I could construct level 130+ weapons that might actually be useful since shops dont sell any weapons above level 125, but now I can't seem to build anything. I think they messed up the weapon trade when they added the new weapon types.

    Level 123 Trader RK2

  4. #4
    Broken tradeskill ... how about Tutoring ?
    Last time I tried that my skill went down, but the skill of my subject remained unchanged...

    Sort of a wrangle with no benefits :P
    Seid. Clan Nano Technician, Atlantean
    Proud member of Opposing Force ( Website )
    Seid's Hideout : Home of the Friends List Tool
    I would like to see a mail system in AO, for letters, money and goods, and with mail order !

  5. #5
    Wouldn't this be the same as a tradeskill list?


  6. #6
    Hehe Scorus

    Not quite so bad...

    Nano programming and pharma skills are useful for trade/money making purposes.
    And a few of the skills are useful for non-trade purposes.

    Some even manage building weapons and nanos.

    Building those does not pay off though...
    Seid. Clan Nano Technician, Atlantean
    Proud member of Opposing Force ( Website )
    Seid's Hideout : Home of the Friends List Tool
    I would like to see a mail system in AO, for letters, money and goods, and with mail order !

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