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Thread: how about some ingame lore?

  1. #1

    Post how about some ingame lore?

    I think Funcom should make some electronic books you can buy at the store. Have them say stuff about the game world like mabye one about the history of Omni-tek or the Clans or mabye an "encycopedia of creatures" that would have backgroud information about the various creatures in Rubi-ka (similar to in the instructions but more creatures).

  2. #2
    Working off of this idea:

    What about a terminal for apartments (when customisation gets that far) that acts like what Xargor is talking about? Sort of an encyclopedia terminal. You can find special items that are basically more entries; you'd buy, say, an "Eyemutant" chip, right-click to install it on the terminal (like you returned a mission item), and you'd then be able to look up some general details on eyemutants and their variations.

  3. #3
    you know, ...on the AOVault boards we have a sporadic poster by the name of The Magical Pony...

    This guy is extremely talented, and has fantastic humor...he has livened up the boards on more than say 10 occasions with long glorious posts of just, made up shiznitzel, that just truly has you guffaw'ing and wondering...why the HELL hasn't Funcom hired this guy...

    I thought about this too, after I posted my IKEA idea...

    They could do so well as to offer out a hand to the community, by offering stipends for submitted work. Say, even $100 contests would generate enough content for them to fill a volume or two...

    / really sickens me when I think of the potential this game and community has, but fuggedcom just has not brightness in the light upstairs or lack of initiative to overcome corporate inertia enough to say, "F.... yeah! that's a great Idea Noe!!! Do you mind if we run w/ that?"

    Gee...well if I actually thought you might fargin' implement something story related...yeah, what the hell. Go for it..


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