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Thread: Fixer Only/Black Market Channel (Repost from Fixer Forum)

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Fixer Only/Black Market Channel (Repost from Fixer Forum)

    In addition to the black market ideas of special Fixer stores, what about a Fixer-Only Black Market chat channel?

    Consider the description of the class: Fixers can get things that are hard to get and they can get them quicker than anyone...what better place to get them than from another Fixer?

    Fixer A: Hey, I have an engi looking for the ____ nano. Anyone have one handy?

    Fixer B: Have two..I'll let you have one for XXXX credits or trade you for a QL 50 Nova. I have some slobbering soldier offering me some decent cash.

    Fixer A: Nope, no Nova..I'll take the nano though. And mark up the price 20% when i sell it to him

    Fixer B: Cool, I'll meet you at Reet Retreat.

    Fixer C: Hey, I have a QL 50 Nova. You wouldn't happen to have spare Mausser to trade for it? Mine is getting old.

    Fixer B: Sure, just meet me us at Reet and we'll do a deal.


    You get the idea. While on the surface this might be just another shopping channel, it could be a lot more. Information is as valuable as items sometimes, and a Fixer wide channel, regardless of affiliation, would be realistic. Fixers on the whole have more loyalty to themselves than any group they belong to I think. Or they should if they want to make the cash. Criminals talk to criminals.

    At the least Neutral Fixers should be able to communicate with both Clan and Omni Fixers, then Clan Fixers could pay to get info about Omni plans they could sell to Clan guilds/leadership and vice versa, with the Neutrals finally having some USE for a change.

    In the RP sense, this also opens up untapped potential of your Fixer a guy all about getting the loot and fencing it quick? Is he a Robin Hood type that uses his own wealth to get items and then gift them to the needy? Or maybe she's a loyal Clanner that uses her underworld contacts to find out what diabolical plans those OTs are hatching this time.

    Not having a clue about programming, I have no idea about the technical side of implementing this, but if they can already do channels for other specificities, this shouldn't be too hard.

    And it may work as a bone FC can throw us until the big fixes show up.

  2. #2
    Fixers can get things that are hard to get and they can get them quicker than anyone...what better place to get them than from another Fixer?
    Wrong, agents are much better at getting things. And we should definatively be able to take part in this black market
    Kind Regards
    Prince "Morphex" Olveda

    Agent Professional
    Proud Member of Legion
    [pic] [stat] [eqp]

    Unknown: "I am a nobody, and nobody is perfect; therefore, I am perfect"

  3. #3
    oh god....don't get me started on agents.

    but it does say, in our description, that fixers are the ones to talk to if you need something. so i am 100% for a black market/fixer-only chat. there is an option thats kinda like guild, Shadow Company, is OT fixer-only...almost as good as a fixer-only chat.

  4. #4
    Agents are -not- better at getting their hands on black-market goods; why in the world would you think that? Agents are for spying and assassinations.

    I'd say this is a perfect thing for Fixers.

  5. #5

    Question Question

    What items are black market items? Is there a list of black market items somewhere?

  6. #6
    Agents are -not- better at getting their hands on black-market goods; why in the world would you think that? Agents are for spying and assassinations
    Did I say that? No I did not say that. This is what I said:

    Wrong, agents are much better at getting things
    We are better at getting things, because we can sneak through missions to get items. I never ever said we are better at getting our hands on black-market goods, did I?

    Stupid fixers...
    Kind Regards
    Prince "Morphex" Olveda

    Agent Professional
    Proud Member of Legion
    [pic] [stat] [eqp]

    Unknown: "I am a nobody, and nobody is perfect; therefore, I am perfect"

  7. #7
    Originally posted by MorphX

    Did I say that? No I did not say that. This is what I said:

    We are better at getting things, because we can sneak through missions to get items. I never ever said we are better at getting our hands on black-market goods, did I?

    Stupid fixers...
    Morph, fellow agent, be quiet before you get us nerfed by babbling. Let the fixers think what they want, they pretty good at getting items to.

  8. #8
    I rarely descend to this sort of thing; the thread's about black market items, not sniping (pardon the pun, Mr. Agent) at each other. =p

    A) I don't play a fixer. Never have. I actually play an agent. So nyah.

    B) Quoting out of context is one of the most sure-fire ways to make one look rather dumb. This is a discussion about the -black market-. The original poster quoted a line from the official description which - when, again, taken in context with the rest of the description - indicates that Fixers would have some sort of shady channels by which they procured things. Add to the fact that Breaking and Entering is a -fully green- skill for Fixers and, yes, I'd say that, overall, Fixers are better at aquiring items, whether it's under lock-and-key or by working the black market (in whatever form it takes).

    So, yes, your comment seems very, very much like you'd be referring to getting black market items, especially when you then veritably demand (maybe it's just me): "And we should definatively be able to take part in this black market". Not to mention that the topic of the thread is the black market. Silly me.

    Fixers aren't even unique in respects to the Grid anymore. I don't see what problem there'd be letting Fixers alone have access to this.

  9. #9
    Originally posted by MorphX
    Did I say that? No I did not say that. This is what I said:

    We are better at getting things, because we can sneak through missions to get items.
    Lol.. It takes me about 3 mins to complete a ql 180 mission - just as long as my HOT is running. And I dont care shiat about water in my mission.

    Clearly Mr. MorphX dosn't know jack about Fixers

    Originally posted by MorphX
    Stupid fixers...
    oohh ohhh.. another mature speach from a DRAP-TBA member - They start to bore me..
    Proffesion: (Fixer)
    Black Dawn Syndicate

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