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Thread: Suggestion for Floating names

  1. #1

    Exclamation Suggestion for Floating names

    First i'd like to say thanks for removing my own name from floating over my head!

    Second would it be possible to have the names to be drawn with their con color, that way when i'm in a crowd looking for a high or low level chr i can easily find them?

  2. #2
    Probably won't happen, would be to easy for the griefers to spot the lowbies in the zone and torment them.

    Atrox Enforcer


  3. #3
    They should take names off of "enemy" players. Why on earth would you broadcast your name and all your information so that the other side could see it? So, you turn on a cloaking device so that you can sneak up on that player then get shot because although he can't see you, he can see the name above your head?

    As far as that goes, tabing through enemies should be taken out as well. If you can't spot someone visually then why in the world can you just hit the tab key and all of the sudden light them up like a christmass tree even though you don't know they are there?
    LV 63 Adventurer

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