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Thread: Some random bugs:

  1. #1

    Some random bugs:

    Got a cave-interior (the brownish, mine-like sort with some toxic pools) mission at 660.7, 326.2 in Rome-Blue. Seemed like an odd thing to find there, unless weird experiments are going on again. =p Was filled to the brim with Waste Collectors, though.

    Can't target through vine-doors in cave interiors; can't left-click (or even get the crosshairs to come up) an enemy, nor can you TAB 'em. This has been around forever, but since it's still here, I thought I'd mention it again. Intentional? Bug? I can see the intentional angle (no pun intended); thick vegetation, cannot aquire a steady lock. Wanted to ask anyway.

    I have never had an enemy's special attack - Burst, Full Auto, Fling Shot - work on any of my characters; that is, Enemy does Burst at me, no damage message. And yet, I have -never- had one of these special attacks miss when -I- use them. (not the Burst or Full Auto, at least). Are we sure they're working properly? 'Enemy' in this case being monster-type.

  2. #2
    Wanted to bump this, especially the second one. Anyone else notice this? Just me?

  3. #3
    I agree with all of this...

    The first brown cave mission I had was in a building in omni entertainment...

    I can't target anything through opened door most of the time, although for some reason it works sometimes....

    And I never had any damage from special attacks like burst either. Nor brawling, dimach or anything else...

  4. #4
    Well, NPC pet professions don't have pets either. Imagine fighting that seasoned bureaucrat or MP only to have his pets beating on you as well.

    I've been "fast attacked" in missions and by outside mobs but none of the other specials.

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