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Thread: errrr...missions?

  1. #1


    wtf has happened to missions?

    Yesterday was the most funny (if i can say) missionning day ever.

    Grouped with a lvl 40 friend, we take a 75% assassination missions in NL area. After runing for half an our, we finally get to the mission area. Enter, first room : our target, yellow to me (i was lvl 37) we kill him in 40 secs, ç_àxp for me..basta, there were only 4 rooms in the whole mission, not a chest, not a single other mob?! Woohoo talk about loss of time!

    Back solo, i take a 60% ish mission (reward = QL 40 for my 37 guy) First room : 3 dep orange soldier robots, impossible to pull one, after any hit, even if i pulled one in the starting room, they all jump on me. I finally kill them all, first little room, a red guy, second room, deep orange, third, deep orange...
    I get my ass out of there and go get another mission

    EXACT SAME parameters (QL 40 reward, also in TIR - didnt want to run on the other side of the map for experimentations) : all greens, deep green, cant be greener, giving me barely 540 xp each. Not a single yellow guy besides my target, green green green

    Who played with the missions coding during christmas eve?

  2. #2
    I've noticed that there is a pattern on what missions you get... (I had nothing else better to do)

    when you get the "easy" mission, the very next mission you run will be a "Very hard" mission. This pattern rotates about every 5-8 missions you do. (give or take 1-2)

    they rest vary on difficulty but non with that extreme easiness or difficulty, at least to my experience.


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