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Thread: Sir Tristram Finds a Spy

  1. #1

    Sir Tristram Finds a Spy

    What a time to have an urget comm come in. "Foxy hun, I have to go...Sir Tristram has uncovered treachory and needs my assistance. Apperently a New Dawn member decided to sell out to Omni-Pol, we are going to stop the information transfer." Foxferal looked hurt but understood that these things happen. The leader of The Mockers gave me a parting hug...and off to the grid term I went.

    The call for assistance went out. Clan members wishing to help the new Speaker of the CoT were to meet him at the Stret West Bank wompas. The nefarious dealings were to take place along a deserted beach in that sector. Members from my own Clan, Valor Eternal, First Light, Cerebus, and a few others responded to the call for help.

    Pausing a few moments to get everyone battle ready, Sir Tristram gave us the gist of what had happened. I thought it strange there were no other Knights, but I figured the new speaker wanted to make this a joint Clan effort instead of a just a Gallahad's Knights effort. With time running short, we sped of to the beach.

    Sir Tristram ran like the wind. I was suitably impressed. His speed would make a fixer blush in embarressment at their own "turtle" pace next to him I thought. Reaching the beach in a few minutes, we stopped for a few seconds for the stragglers to catch up. Then as one force we moved along the beach looking for our prey.

    And there they were. Omni signatures showing plainly on my hud's scanner. Rush Rush! We had caught the Omni unawares in a gully. We rained our fire down upon. Target lock...Fire Fire Fire! Down he falls. Next Target...and the next...they fell. Was not without cost. In the middle of the battle our team doctor was sent to reclaim, but her trip was not in vain. We stood victorious over the rapidly decaying corpses of the Omni-Pol soldiers...and one New Dawn traitor. Sir Tristram recovered the stolen data. He then thanked us all..and after a bit of chit chat...took off again.

    The rest of us...well..we all smiled and were proud of what we did. Gunning down Omni-pol may not be as good as sex or chocolate...but it still leaves one with that satisfied feeling.
    -Finalizer Vixentrox-
    Former President and Founder,
    -Whisper's Edge-
    Former Member of the Atlantean CoT Clerical Staff

    Socializer 73% Killer 53% Explorer 53% Achiever 20%

    Kissysuzuki -
    WTB small enough brain and lack of imagination to be able to sit and solo hecklers for 5 days straight.

  2. #2
    Just shy of a full month since the Knights took charge, and already they seem to be doing more than the Sentinels.

    Congradulations on a job well done.
    Hello, my name is Adan..and I was addicted to Nanokits......untill I discovered Notum Siphon CQ (tm)
    Adan Solkalibur Basso

    Armor Layout

    Clan affiliated supporter of the Nanomage Liberation Front.

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