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Thread: Maximum Range article inaccurate

  1. #1

    Maximum Range article inaccurate

    The article on maximum range is not accurate.

    Proof of this? Go to 2holes, and watch players who are 30 meters or so away from you disappear from your view completely.

    What this means, as far as I can tell, is that the squares mentioned in the article are not always 40 meters in size. In some zones, they are smaller. I'm guessing that in 2holes, they are 25 meters in size, or even smaller.

    Or, perhaps in some other way the squares work differently in different zones than what was mentioned in the article. But I can guarantee you that what was described in the article is totally inaccurate for the way things work in 2holes, and some other zones.

  2. #2

    Post not quite

    "Dissapear from your view completely".. this is not a gameplay issue, it is a graphic issue. Check your character view distance - you may have set it to 30 (by typing /chardist 30). You can increase this by type /chardist 40 or whatever. So the article is entirely accurate.

  3. #3

    no fugit you're wrong

    it really is like that in 2ho, as reported by everyone i have ever spoken to about visibility there.

  4. #4
    yeap, same thing in The Longest Road.

  5. #5
    A few days ago I was getting hit by a Cyborg up in Mort near the crater, so I went to root it and I failed - the message said I was out of range.

    I have a QL200 Range Increaser, there is no way in hell that I wouldn't be able to root it if it were within 40m and could hit me. I've noticed some other mobs that seem to cheat like that too, but thats a specific one recently.

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