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Thread: About the automapper

  1. #1

    About the automapper

    Would it be nice if we could put a custom text tag to marked certain place in the automapper?
    For example,to mark the mission objective so that I could come back without having to searching for it after killing everything inside a mission. Another example would be marking a specific store that I wish to visit later or just simply let us put a suitable name for every statistics building.

  2. #2

    Thumbs up

    Good idea!
    NT phone HOME!!

  3. #3
    Probably more suitable for 'Envisioned' than 'Game Mechanics'. ;) Still..

    Yes, this would be a great idea. Not sure how it'd be best accomplished, though, with the way the minimap is currently setup. I'd much rather see a revamped minimap - something with zoom, ferchrissake, please! - that incorporated this sort of functionality.

    Probably something we'll have to wait on, though, assuming we ever see it.

  4. #4
    Ever play Captive? that had a cool minimap that let you do things like that

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