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Thread: Adding some depth to exploration

  1. #1

    Adding some depth to exploration

    One of the things I loved about games like Quake is that you can swim underwater and fight and find goodies.

    So I was thinking, what about making water a lot more interesting? Right now its basically aesthetic, you can't really interact with it(except walk backwards on it *rolls eyes*)

    1)Make a vehicle device called 'Aquatic apparatus' which allows you to travel around underwater, kind of like deep-sea divers.

    2)Add lots of water-only mobs, giant alien fishies and Nautiloids, etc..(With their own set of loot drops)

    3)Make most underwater areas like Aquatic forests of exotic water plants, they are really barren right now.

    4)Just think! in the future you could have static dungeons that are located in the middle of lakes and are completely aquatic inside.

    <edit>come on, who didn't love those water areas in N64 Zelda??
    Last edited by Barakon; Dec 26th, 2001 at 22:13:50.

  2. #2

  3. #3



    There already is water MOBs.

  4. #4

    Thumbs up Re: Adding some depth to exploration

    You can fight underwater in EQ so why not AO?

    Originally posted by Barakon
    come on, who didn't love those water areas in N64 Zelda??
    Ya it would be cool to see an entrance to a dungeon underwater like in Zelda 64.

  5. #5


    I agree - aquatic dungeons, underwater hunting grounds, and more aquatic beasts would really add a great new element to AO. I think it's a great idea.

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Spook

    There already is water MOBs.
    Yeah, but would you call it water what they live in?

  7. #7


    Yeah, I call it water. It is just not my fault we were redesigned when we arrived to RK with internal floating devices.

  8. #8
    For vehicles, it would be easy.

    There are already water vehicles (I've seen them in shops); I'd like to get one just for the novelty value, just sit on the water and zoom around. Yalmahas are overrated.

    Since vehicles sit in HUD slots, you could have an add-on HUD device that allowed those water vehicles to dive underwater. Have the vehicle sit in HUD 1, add-on in HUD 2, or whichever.

    The problem, of course, is getting an area for it. Is there -any- deep water around? I haven't seen any. Remember, Rubi-Ka was originally a barren, lifeless ball of sand and rock. Terraforming isn't complete, and the only lakes and rivers I've seen aren't deep; a tall Atrox could walk through most of them standing up. =p

    Maybe they can expand the southern parts of the map, the Omni Harbor and such, sometime later. Would be nice.

  9. #9


    Finally,a good reason to raise swimming skills if this was apply.

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