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Thread: Server switching RK1 <-> RK2

  1. #1

    Question Server switching RK1 <-> RK2

    Hello All,

    In the FAQ, you can see that Funcom plan to implement possibilities to switch between servers.

    As all neat animation take now place on RK1 only most of the time, I wonder when it will be implemented.

    (As you probably wonder, yes, I'm a RK2 citizen ...)


  2. #2
    Yeah, all of us on RK2 feel a little neglected (no A LOT neglected) by Funcom.

    We really are the red headed step child of AO.

    Seriously, they need to give us some sort of storyline interaction, or they need to let us switch servers.

  3. #3


    na dont, its a bad idea. No server switch, dont. plz dont. göb göb
    göb göb

  4. #4

    Bad Idea

    Do you have any idea what this would do??

    A lot of the people on RK1 were there when all the exploits were around... you have people with 1000 tokens ect.....

    If you let all the old exploiters from RK1 come to RK2 you will truly be sorry you did, there will be no way for you to ever compete.

    Story lines will make their way to RK2, be patient. Letting people who have an unfair advantage switch to RK2 from RK1 is not the answer.

  5. #5

    Re: Bad Idea

    Originally posted by Eiroshima
    Do you have any idea what this would do??

    A lot of the people on RK1 were there when all the exploits were around... you have people with 1000 tokens ect.....

    If you let all the old exploiters from RK1 come to RK2 you will truly be sorry you did, there will be no way for you to ever compete.

    Story lines will make their way to RK2, be patient. Letting people who have an unfair advantage switch to RK2 from RK1 is not the answer.
    LOL, Im on RK 1, and yes, there has been a lot of exploiters there, but not nearly as bad as you are saying. Very few ppl got the 1k token board and still plays, most are banned. Problem in RK 1 is the competition between profs, for example NT and Fixer from what i hear is good professions in RK 2 (I am NT ), but in RK 1 the weapon profs are so twinked that we suck when we compare. I also think RK 1 non twinks would move to RK2, to get away from the constant competition. I dont think the twinks will move, maybe for a short period, but they will soon realize the resistance is low, and in the long run no fun.
    NT phone HOME!!

  6. #6

    I know what you mean Garzu

    I started playing AO at US launch, Pre-RK2. My first few characters were on RK1. I just think that allowing some of these people (exploiters) who I have see with my own eyes, come to RK2 would disrupt a balance that is somewhat in existance.

    As far as NTs and Fixers being good professions on RK2 and not on RK1... I have to disagree with you. I have a lvl 45 NT and he is effectively shelved. I'm sure that any fixer that reads this will disagree too. NTs and Fixers are equally gimped on RK2 as they are on RK1.

    I'd let you in Garzu But who is going to follow you through the door when it's left open?

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